Barry flew back from the hive to the garden and so forth it was a every day action, he didn't think it would be anything more than just a activity, it was like how some people have a evening jog.
Running in place to prepare for his morning, he drank a drop of water, and said goodbye to Vanessa, she waved back at him, and he left the day was more grim than usual the sky was dark and nobody was really out.
He didn't really care, he had things to do his schedule went on as perusal, finally he was done today marked the anniversary of his relationship, he was so giddy he could barely think anything but happy thoughts.
As he reached the window he flew threw the crack and went inside, he placed down the flower he had brought over, and flew his way around the house.
"Vanessa? Where are you honey?" He called out wondering where she was, usually if she was going to run any aurin's she would have told him.
He scratched his head in confusion, and went back to flying around reaching the bed room, he heard strange creaking and sounds, his tiny heart skipped a beat " be?.." he said to himself bitting his lip, afraid of the true answer that laid before him.
He always believed Vanessa was a loyal girlfriend, she always was kind and caring to him she never even judged him for him being a bee, she was his only one.
Was it the fact he was so caught up in work, was she doing this to make him upset, no she must be fixing the curtains or something right? she can't be doing that, could she?
Tears came to his eyes, he was afraid of the answer, terrified even, he silently flew in and hid in the closet, a random man on top of her thrusting in, with her not caring at all, the sound of some weird beat played but whatever.
Barry cried, she was doing it he wiped his eyes, he should have known he wasn't enough and he was just a bee why did he think he would ever be enough? that's what echoed threw his mind.
The sounds of moans echoes threw the air like some sort of sadistic symphony just why did it have to be today, why not just some random other Wednesday, why did it have to be today.
Finally after a hour of the music and groans, she was done the man put on his clothing and left, and she grabbed some new clothes and took a shower, Barry speed out of the room to the window.
What was he going to do with himself? let life carry on like nothing happened or was he to confront her and tell her what he saw and talk it out, everything was like a emotional blur he wiped his tears and calmed himself down, he was going to confront her.
She stepped out and her eyes slightly wide at the presents of Barry "Oh hello honey, your home early!" She said in a sweet voice it may have been as sweet as honey but he tasted the bitter core within.
His teeth gritted "Vanessa we need to talk ok?" He sat down on the windowsill, holding onto his antenna like a comfort item "Yes Barry?" She said sounding confused.
This only angered him but he kept it down, so he could respectfully try to understand "Vanessa I know we have been in a relationship for a very long time, but I came home today and I saw something that I didn't know you where doing, is there something I need to know about that I'm not doing correct In our relationship?" He spoke softly trying his best to sound understanding, he wanted to know if there was something he could fix or something that he could make right, he didn't want to loose the woman he loved.
Vanessa was shocked he found out "Barry i-" she was cut off by Barry asking again "Please If there is anything I can do for you just tell me" she looked visibly mad with this answer somehow "Barry! I'm sorry but how do you expect me to be satisfied with a bee?!" She yelled at him, Barry gasped "Vanessa" he said tears spilling out of his eyes.
She didn't stop at that however "I tried of pretending like I actually like this so called sex! You constantly try to act like you "Understand" but you don't! You'll never understand I ruined my life to b with you! And your just some stupid bee! A stupid stupid bee! I broke up with my boyfriend for you! And here we are you trying to "understand" me?! Your foul! Disgusting! And all around a bother to me!"
Barry felt like he was about to pass out from pure whiplash, he didn't know she felt that way he thought they had a healthy relationship or atleast as healthy as you could get, he always asked her if she wanted to talk, asked her about her feelings and how her day was, he didn't think he was a bother to anyone, he helped around the shop he bought her things, he cleaned the house whenever she needed it even without her asking.
He had never gotten into a fight with her by himself she was always the one starting it "The living room isn't clean enough!" Or "Why isn't the flower arrangement perfect?! I have a show!" He always did anything she asked and he thought he was good enough.
She kept yelling at him degrading his existence his personality his life, his looks his humor, and all around his life, he kept crying and breaking down "I thought I was enough Vanessa please, I'll try harder please don't let me lose you" he cried she got down to his level "Nothing you ever do will be enough you pathetic parasite" his eyes widened.
The word parasite repeated in his head, was that what he was merely a foul parasite? it sounded like it nobody not even his highschool bully's called him those things, but if Vanessa said it it must be true right? he must of been a stain on society at this point everything he did was a mistake, just breathing ruined life for others.
She towered over him "Grab your shit and leave! " She yelled Barry felt like his body was working by itself he flew away and grabbed his things stuffing them into a bag, whatever happened to the time they saved the world, but it was his fault he was the reason it was ruined, he was selfish after all wasn't he?
He cried again and this time he didn't let the tears stop he grabbed the bag and went to the window by now the rain was down pouring heavily he grabbed a small string from his sweater and tied it to his leg to his suitcase, standing on the windowsill.
He looked back at what he used to call home Vanessa watched "You know I really loved you and I still do.." after he said that he let himself fall back into the rain, he didn't fly he just let himself fall the whole way to the bottom, but the worst part about it was Vanessa didn't care.