•Chapter 4•

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Heyy, so sorry I haven't written anything in so long- this will probably continue so please be patient with me. School just started and I still need to get used to my new class. Anyways, enough chit chat, enjoy Chapter 4 :D

Liam woke up to the sound of the door's attached bell ringing. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around, confused on what happened as he was still pretty sleepy. Noticing Y/N next to him, a small blush had appeared on his face as he gently lifted their head up to his level. He then just started analyzing their facial features.

'Not gonna lie, they do look charming....' (Istg if anyone says that they're actually ugly me and Liam will beat you with heart emojis)
He thought to himself as he laid a gentle yet sweet kiss on their nose, slowly scooting away from them after to not disturb their sleep. He then got up, ready to serve his new customer.

.......He didn't want to do it, really. And it was the same kid that had bought all available sodas at once. He didn't complain, though. At least he got a bit of extra cash because of it. Though that soda flood was definitely unnecessary. At least he didn't die in that freezer.

The player walked up to Cashiers counter, placing orange juice on it as Liam then told them the price. Thankfully, this night, they had enough money to buy it. So, they left, happily drinking their orange juice as the Cashier was just happy that he was getting some money from the kid. They probably come here every night, so he's glad about that. Still doesn't mean he likes them, though.

Sighing, Liam then slouched back down into the floor, turning his head to face Y/N. He then moved closer to them, wrapping his arm around their shoulder as he held them close. Leaning his head onto theirs, he started quietly humming to himself. Suddenly, his trance was disturbed as the sleeping beauty had shifted a bit, looking quite uncomfortable and displeased. So, Liam took it into his own hands.

He laid down on the floor, slowly moving Y/N along with him as they were now both laying down. No one came by except for the kid anyways, so there wasn't a need to worry about anyone seeing them like this. The Cashier had placed the smallers head on his chest, hugging them as he lowered his visor, considering he was blinded by the bright lights that were humming inside the convenience store.

He then closed his eyes, resting both hands on Y/N's back as he started rubbing it, getting them into a more comfortable state. Noticing the blanket that was still in reach, he pulled that over the two. He didn't care if his back hurt later on. Cashier didn't want theirs to hurt and that's all that matters. They were pretty slouched down, and back pains aren't the best thing to wake up to. So, he let himself be used as a pillow and mattress. Hey, two for the price of one!

Now, You and Liam were left on the floor, one unconscious, the other keeping the first warm. The blonde teen had actually enjoyed this moment. It was a positive change, since he's always alone and barely has any company. If you include the player, that is. It felt nice holding someone in his arm's. He actually felt...alive, for the first time in a while. By such a simple thing?....Maybe they were way more important to him than he thought.

As Liam had been lost in his train of thoughts about Y/N, what he didn't know is that they had woken up. The only reason he noticed, was because they let out a small yawn beneath him. Looking down at them, he gave em' a small smile as he saw them awake. "I'm guessing you've had enough beauty sleep, hm?" Liam asked in a soft and gentle tone. He didn't want to be too rough for their ears already. Y/N mumbled a few things out of embarrassment in response

"Oh pleaaaase......and why am I laying down.." They said, lifting their head up lazily, which then was pushed back down by the taller male. "Shhh, don't mention this. I can tell you're still tired." He shushed, tucking some hair behind their ear. "If it's because of how slow I am....I just woke up..." They silently spoke. Though, they were, in fact, still very tired. "I think I would know best here...I haven't slept in so long until recently, I'd know if it was just because you woke up, or because you're actually tired."

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