Chapter 3

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I couldn't sleep well so I woke up earlier than I do at home. All the thoughts and events from last night kept me up wondering about their meanings. The moms were mad at us and Laurel gave us all a scolding. I just hoped she wouldn't call my mom.

The stairs freaked as I walked down to the kitchen. The grandfather clock Susannah had in the foyer read 4:30 am. It was too early for me to be awake

A dim light was left on in the kitchen and I stumbled around looking for a water glass.
"Can I help you" a male voice interrupts my dazed state. I furrow my brows unsure where the voice came from. I glance around until I finally saw Conrad Fisher.

I pulled down my short pajama shorts that I though no one would see. He made me feel so self conscious and I didn't know why. I felt ridiculous.

"Just wanted some water. Couldn't sleep ya know?" I replied. He nodded understanding me. I  took a better look at his face and saw he had dark circles under his eyes. He hadn't slept either.

"Do you wanna maybe go to the beach?" He asked scratching behind his head. His eyes avoided mine.

I felt like I should say no but I really wanted to. It was only hanging out on the beach I wouldn't be putting my life in danger or anything.

"Yeah sure" I said. I looked down at my slippers and decided to ditch them and just walk barefoot. He was already at the back door and I was following close behind.

We walked for a good while till he finally plodded down on the sand. I followed and sat next to him. He stared straight ahead at the ocean but I continued to look at him.

"Conrad?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked not looking at me yet. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"What's up with you? I know it's been a long time since we saw each other last but I barely recognize you." I said to him. He suddenly lost his calm expression and looked extremely annoyed.

"Look you don't know anything. There's nothing wrong with me." He said defensively. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"I know there's something wrong. Conrad it like I'm looking at my own reflection right now. I knows." I replied. He frowned and didn't speak to me. His eyes remained on the ocean and mine remained on him. 

"It's my mom and dad, that's all I'm gonna say." He said breaking his silence.

"Okay" I replied quietly. He finally turned to look at me and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly." He said observing my face. I didn't have a reason to lie to him so I would might as well be honest.

"I'm hanging on. I wish I was back in California honestly, I am not really an east coast girl." I said. He made a face at the last part but nodded in understanding.

"I'm glad you're here." He said looking ahead at the ocean. This caught me completely by surprise. So much that I swear felt my breath get caught in my throat. 

"Umm..." he started looking at me again. I studied his face and saw the small freckles on his face that I had never noticed before. The sunrise lit in his face with a mesmerizing glow. His eyes were even more mesmerizing.

"You're shivering, do you want my hoodie?" He asked. I didn't even realize how cold I was. My arm was full of goosebumps. I nodded and he placed it on my shoulders.

"We should go back before anyone realized we are gone" he says. I nod and follow him back to the beach house.
"Where were you two?" Belly says as soon as we enter the beach house. She inspects is and her eyes light up with a strange look when she focuses on Conrad's hoodie.

"The beach. Now mind your own business" Conrad says giving Belly a lot of attitude. He storms off out the front door without saying another word.

"Since when were you two this close?" Jeremiah asked. He didn't mean to be be rude but it had already come out that way. I didn't like being interrogated all alone. I should have ran out when I had the chance.

"Geez you two sound like her parents. Chill" Steven said. I didn't even realize he was there until he appeared behind the two. I was so glad he was there at the moment.

"Since never. Just drop it please." I pleaded with Jeremiah. He nodded giving up too easily. Belly glared at me.

"Good morning my beautiful angels!" Susannah cheered walking into the kitchen. She frowned seeing the kids in a strange situation.

"Are you being nice to my Carrie?" She asked Jeremiah pointedly. Susannah defended me even though she had no idea what was going on. I wondered if this was a part of their dynamic.

"Of course mom." Jeremiah replied defeated. She turned up one corner of her mouth. Belly didn't seem happy. I took the opportunity to escape to my room and get ready for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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