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A/N. This might be shit cause i am not good at writing something sweet and happy!

But welp i tried. Anyways! Cover art is not mine, credits goes to the artist!





"We're gonna go now!" Shu said as he waved good bye to the two who waved back at him.

"See you both later! Take care of Uki for me, Shoto!" Fulgur said with a smile as Shoto nodded at him.

It started in a normal day at the cafe Uki works at as a part-timer with Shu and Shoto. The three are friends for as long as they remember, they've been through both good and bad times but this was a first that they excluded one.

One is crying while being comforted by the other and the last one is smiling happily somewhere in the city, probably.

"We should confront him, Uki" Shoto stated but Uki shook his head as tears roll down his cheeks, his eyes red and swollen and his mouth red and plump from biting frequently.

"You saw it, Shoto... FuuFuu-chan came here to get Shu. They went out happily talking and going to god knows where!" Uki exclaimed as he cried even harder.

Shoto had to close the cafe for the day after Shu left with Fulgur. Uki burst into tears the moment they left, even though he smiled at the two happily, Shoto knew that it's killing him inside.

This has been going on for weeks, Fulgur would occasionally come to the cafe just to get Shu and the two would leave together. Every single time Shoto would watch how Uki would stare at them leaving with this unexplainable emotion in his eyes, but for the first time, he bursted.

Shoto sighs in defeat, unable to stop his best friend from crying. After contemplating for two minutes he sighs in defeat, he and Vox had a small fight last night and he yas been ignoring him then but Vox is Fulgur's brother, if there's anyone out there who would know what's going on, then it's his bitch ass boyfriend.

He had no choice but to use his last option, he grabbed his phone and dial the brother a.k.a his boyfriend and the close friend of the two who caused the pain to Uki.

"Hello? Babe? Have you forgiven me yet? I'm really sorry, if you want i would do anything yo-" Vox answered after two rings and started to blabber things as Shoto 'tch'ed' at him.

"Vox, get in here and also bring Luca" Shoto interrupted in a upset voice that made Vox shut his mouth.

"What? Why? What's wro-" Shoto ended the call before Vox finishes his sentence. He looks at Uki who had finally calmed down a bit but he knew at any moment he could burst into another fit if tears.

"I'll get some ice cream, they say it's always better to eat ice cream when you're feeling down" Shoto said softly with a smile on his face as Uki looks at him and nodded before Shoto left to get the said ice cream.


"I'm sorry! We are closed for the day!" Shoto shouted as he rushed out from the kitchen holding two bowls of ice cream.

"Enna?" Shoto asked in surprise as he saw Enna standing in the entrance and smiling at him.

"Hey! Aren't you suppose to be open? What happened? I came to get some coffee but.." Enna trailed off as her eyes landed on Uki at the corner as she immediately rush towards him.

MISUNDERSTANDING [A Nijisanji EN + Shoto Fanfic] ft. #PsyBorg, #VoxTo & ShuCaWhere stories live. Discover now