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Alrighty-then, we're off to a brand new start! 

Meet Brandon Reed, aka Venomous00, a very young writer aspiring to do great things.  Genres do not seem to follow any pattern, the two pieces I personally have had the pleasure to edit I would most likely classify as sci-fi.  However, he seems to have a real pation for telling a story in poetry.  His poetic stylings also do not follow any set pattern but tend to come straight from the heart.  

Ok, so there may be some not so good things here as well.  I made mention in the premise for this work that there might be some writers that have fantastic ideas but fall a little short on grammar and punctuation... Brandon falls in this category.  Poetry cannot truly be edited, so I am only speaking of the works in prose form.  So much creative energy flows in this young man's mind, but if you read the unedited works you might be put off by the absence of proper punctuation and run-on paragraphs.  DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS.  The gem is merely uncut and unpolished, a little aesthetic work and the gem's true potential shines through.

You might be saying to yourself, "So what? An editor can make ANYTHING look good."  I want to be the first to say (as an editor) that this simply is not true.  There have been works I've practically rewritten (which I suppose essentially makes it not what it was, like coal to a diamond) during the editing process, and then there are the ones like Brandon's story "VENOMOUS" (see the link at the end of this post) where the true gem is already there, only needing the careful cutting and polishing to bring it to a brilliant shine.

VENOMOUS is remeniscent of a "Fifth Element" type story in the beginning, with a company having abducted a man (Henry), put him in a stasis tank and performed many experiments on him.  Something obviously went wrong because he had an unscheduled "wake-up call" where he literally found himself on the wet side of the tank with multiple cables and gadgets attached to him.  Of course everything spirals out of control as he escapes and finds out that the poking and invasive experiments had produced in him some very odd adaptations, even powers you might say.  And that is just the recounting of his day that he gives to the cops he absolutely terrifies within that first chapter.  You read how he toys with them, both angry and calm within moments, like a cat with a mouse... only this kitty is absolutely scary!! -you can almost smell the pee where the officers piss themselves in their terror. :P  Yeah, gross.   

So anyway, there you have it.  The only thing I would say to the author himself is this, "Consolidate your poems into one book!"  In all practicality, that many tiny posts in a row makes it REALLY hard to find your on-going works.  PLUS a book of poems has the potential to be marketed if you ever wanted your poems published as a representation of a poet of your generation, where separate poems all scattered across your account doesn't have the same amount of appeal.  

Here's the link for all of you interested in reading VENOMOUS:

PS. I definitely recommend checking out his other stuff.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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