Foreign Paper Part 2

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"Soyio notions beyioxas" Everyone looked Seonghwa sat there. "Molfio?" Seonghwa opens his bag and pulls out a tablet out. "Sounds like a headache medicine if Ye ask me Um hush you I don't wanna hear it you learned 4 languages, Majo is 8, our little brother can now speak perfect Japanese which means he knows 5 and me aside from our home language I know Japanese, Korean, Swedish, and Blurgia so Yeah our family really is versatile. My next class isn't until another hour from now and I'm going eat food after the class you worry too much Brother I'll be fine also Molfio it's either an energy bar made in Canada or it's the name of the 2nd largest wolf yes I said wolf wait Nolia that it's Molfio is a part of a wolf clan and he thinks that maybe our family is the reasons for his misfortune I can't believe it I cracked a family mystery that's been happening for over 30 years yes! Um? Well we can always see if Dad and Mom are able to wait I'll do it I'll have you guys posted when tommrow I have no classes but there is a party at 5 pm so I have to search for Molfio in the morning"

An alarm in my room was heard it was 5:00 am. I opened my eyes a kiss was placed on my lips. "I'll be back you guys stay safe" "S-Seonghwa" Time went it was now 8:45 am I looked around. Wooyoung walked head low and sad expression on his face he held an envelope. "Cemier what's wrong?" He looked up then looked down. "Is it family news? Can you at least let me see what is in your hand" "You can try I couldn't understand it I only understood the Korean part"

He handed it to me and we walked together. "I take it you must be his friend or someone he trust I will tell you this your friend seemed very determined to stop this rivalry between my family and his family. His efforts were not in vain and should not worry about him anymore" "That was the Korean part can you understand the words below it?"

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