Untitled Part 1

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Background info

- harry is powerful but he is not as dumbledore he's about as power as a professor

-it is a harry fleur fanfic

-harry is seventeen

- triwizard cup is hosted in beauxbaton

- going to be a slow build up

-harry is born on 1977 4 may

-Cedric,harry and roger are gryffindors

Chapter 1

1 september 1977 Godric's hollow 1:34

Lupin walked along a dimly lit street. He knew something was not right,he walked to the potter cottage and what he saw. The one's beautiful cottage was now a wreck. Lupin stood there for a minute and thought about what happened. He ran to the house he stepped through to the former door. He saw the body of his former friend, James potter was dead. Then he heard a cry. He got up and ran towards Harry's room. He ran like he never did. He went up the stairs.

He saw something that was beyond words lilly dead on the ground and Harry in the crib, crying he had a scar that was new.

This was no good. He thought he picked his wand from his old robes and knew what to do, he cast a patronus " sent a message to dumbledore lily and james are dead" lupin said half crying. He picked Harry up.

He looked unscaved but he did have a scar a lighting bolt.

He stopped him from crying.

He walked to the front of the house 'crack' dumbledore appeared he looked worried, something he had never seen from dumbledore. "Hello, where is Harry" here Lupin gave him to dumbledore. He looked at him for a minute and then he walked up stairs and to Harry's body and walked to the body of lily without saying a word. He taught for a minute and then said

"harry james potter is the boy who lived" dumbledore said "he survived the killing curse"

"What, that impossible" he said looking at harry "he's just 1 year old"

" i know there's alot to discover about this boy"

"I'll adopt him" lupin said all of a sudden

"Okay look after him" dumbledore said "but watch out theres alot of dangerous death that will want revenge on harry"

"Okay i'll look after him" and with that he apperated to his manor. The light was still on.

"Harry, you need to go to sleep," Lupin said to the one year old.

1994 4 may 15:00 hogwarts

Harry had just turned 17 he was an adult in the wizarding world. It was a big party in the common room but no alcohol. They had a quidditch match today against slytherin.

Harry played chaser like his father. He was one of the best of Hogwarts, maybe even of England, because the English quidditch team had a really shit chaser line up they only had one good chaser:James hero. He was Harry's idol but those thoughts had to wait he had to play an important match. The slytherin lineup wasn't too good compared to the gryffindor lineup the chaser trio harry cedric and kate was unstoppable,the beaters fred and george. and with wood in the goal and their reasonably good seeker they were a dominant force.

They waited in the player tunnel for the signal of the ref. Harry was waiting with his nimbus 2000. They weren't the best brooms compared to the rest. The team of the serpents all had a nimbus 2001 donated by the father of the 3rd year old malfoy.

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