Chapter 5: Truth or Dare

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Freddy's POV

"Where exactly are we going to play 'Truth or Dare' Chica?" I ask, breaking the silence between us all. Chica turns around quickly, and glimpses at me. With poor Foxy crashing behind her at her sudden stop.

"Well we're gonna play in the office! Obviously!" She snorts, and whips back forward.

"Why the office?"

"There's always someone in the office watching us usually! This is our chance to use it, while there's no night-guard." Chica answers, and peeks in the office. After she and Foxy nip in, I walk in with Bonnie at my heels. Once I see what she has done to the office,

I facepaw myself and mumble out to her, "Did you literally take every cushion in the pizzeria and put it in here?"

"Not EVERY cushion, only most of them." Chica smirks and crosses her arms. There's a little giggle next to me, as I see it's Bonnie.

"Freddy, It isn't that big of a deal. We can just clean it up after, right?" Bonnie smiles at me and flops on to a cushion.

"I guess your right Bonnie." I sigh and sit on a cushion across from him.

There's a loud -BANG- when Chica slams both doors down, with a pizza in hand and a empty bottle.

"Guys, you spin the bottle when it's your turn. Whomever it lands on you have to ask them, 'Truth or Dare'." Chica says and Foxy interrupts her,

"Yeah, yeah we get it lassie. We've all played this game before." Foxy concluded, not interested in hearing more rules.

"Since you're such a expert, Foxy you're first to spin the bottle!" She declared, pointing at him with the bottle.

"Fine, Aye don't mind going first." He grumbled, setting the bottle on the floor and spinning it.

Bonnie's POV

I intensely stare at the spinning bottle, I wonder who it will land on. I think and see the bottle slow down and it stops on Chica. That was close. A relieved sigh leaves my mouth.

"HA! Ye got picked! This is great! Truth or Dare Chica?" Foxy laughed, as Chica grumbled her response.

"I want Dare. Truths are for wimps." Her smirk was replaced by a look of horror when she saw Foxy with his mischievous grin.

"Hm... Aye dare ye to... flirt and peck Goldie on the cheek!" Foxy snickers.

"Oh my god... Are you serious?! This is going to suck. No offense Freddy, but your older brother is a pervert..." Chica pointed out to Freddy.

"I know. Have fun with your dare, we will watch you on the cameras!" Freddy shooed Chica out, and slams himself down on the wheelie chair. Foxy takes the last other chair, and I'm left standing. Freddy glances at me and he grips my paw, tugging me down in to his lap.

"F-Freddy! What are you doing?" I stutter out, staring at him.

"It's fine! Like you said earlier, it's not a big deal." Freddy smirked at me, then continues tracking Chica on the cameras.

Chica's POV

I so don't want to do this dare... But I don't want to be a quitter. I think as I walk down the hall, occasionally hearing the -BEEP- of a camera. Those stupid boys are watching me. My body quivers violently as I quietly grab the doorknob, it's ice cold. A chill goes down my endoskeleton spine, giving me goosebumps knowing about the perviness I'm about to get in to.

The door's hinges creak and groan as I turn the knob and push it open. There is the faint whirr of machinery around as I take a step inside, my eyes quickly scanning the room for him.

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