Chapter 21: From Twilight Breaks the Dawn

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Dinah looked up from where she was working at the computer terminal, when she heard the Zeta-Tube announce Zatara's arrival. She watched as her fellow den-mother stepped out of the large tunnel and approached the the computer beside the exit.

"Thought you were running an errand," She said, as she walked away from the computer.

"I did, and I still am," Zatara said as he keyed a command into the keyboard.

"Where are the children?" He asked,

"Movie night," Dinah said, and Zatara grunted,

"Hopefully they do not come to look, that would be an...uncomfortable conversation," He muttered He looked up and frowned, before pointing at her face,

"Evig yranac reh ksam." He intoned, and Dinah felt something tingle around her, before she suddenly felt a familiar cloth cover her cheeks. Reaching up with a curious hand, she felt the familiar sensation of her cloth mask.

"Thanks?" She asked,

"You will want that," Zatara reassured her, before hitting enter on the keyboard, and the Zeta-Tube roared to life.

"Access Granted. Perseus Jackson. A-O-7. Authorization. Zatara. One-One."

Dinah felt her heart fall through her chest as she stared at Zatara, but she didn't have time to demand an explanation. Schooling her features, she watched as the light died down, and the familiar form of Percy Jackson staggered into the Mountain. He looked around him, and checked the tunnel behind him, before turning back and looking up and around the mountain. He let out a low whistle,

"Sure beats that apartment back in Vegas," He said to Zatara, who chuckled good naturally,

"I happened to like that apartment," The man said back, and then Percy's eyes met Dinah's and she fought to keep her features schooled. She was indeed very grateful that Zatara had given her the mask.

"Zatara," She asked, subtly activating her voice modulator, "Care to explain why we have a Gotham City detective in the cave?"

"Good to see you again too Canary," Percy said cheekily. "I missed those heavily modified, synthesized tones of yours."

Well, he certainly seemed to have gotten some of his swagger back, Dinah thought to herself as she examined the man more closely. He certainly looked better too. He still had the bags under his eyes, but he no longer looked like he was spoiling for a fight from anyone willing to throw down.

"Percy here is running an investigation which requires my...unique brand of expertise." Zatara said smoothly. Before turning to Percy, "We missed you at the funeral by the way,"

"Funeral?" Percy asked, "What happened?" Zatara just stared at him for a moment, before a look of deep regret washed over his face,

"Gods above Percy. I'm so sorry, I though you'd heard. Kent is dead," Zatara explained. Percy's eyes widened in shock, before a look of pain washed over his features.

"How," He demanded, his voice somewhat croaky. "Klarion," Zatara explained, and then Percy's entire demeanor shifted. He went from mournful to apocalyptically furious within a blink of an eye,

"That little shit," Percy growled, "I thought I told him to stay off this fucking plane."

"Apparently he did not heed your threat," Zatara said with a deep sigh, "He broke into the Tower with the help Abra Kadabra in an attempt to steal the helmet."

"He didn't get it, did he?" Percy asked quickly and Zatara raised his hand and calmly rested it on Percy's shoulder,

"Relax, my friend. The helmet is safe. The Witch-Boy will not be getting his claws on it any time soon."

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