Chapter 1: Ordinary Day

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The light buzzed as the Doctor opened his eyes, the light blinding him for a second before he raised up. Everyday was the same, waking up at exactly 6AM and doing research into the Pestilence. Since the SCP Foundation didn't allow test subjects anymore, he had very limited options, and every time he was actually allowed to cure a patient they would immediately be put down.

It was infuriating, especially with his last patient. The Doctor sighed as he walked towards his work bench, he took out his notebook and began writing.

After only several minutes, he already was bored. The lack of things to write about was quickly becoming overwhelming, the only source of entertainment was from his notebook, without it he had close to nothing.

"Everything alright in there, SCP-049?" The scientist asked over the intercom.

"Everything is fine, my good sir." He responded, his tone gave away his annoyance, but it didn't matter. He knew that they would take that answer no matter the tone, but he still repeated himself, this time in a more gentler tone.

"I am fine, good sir." The scientist could tell the Doctor was annoyed, most likely angry at the lack of patients. The Scientist sighed as he left the Doctor alone with his thoughts.

The Doctor silently prayed for something to happen, something to give him a chance to prove himself to the Foundation. Even though last month's accident still lingers in the scientist minds and voices. The Doctor cringed at remember that accident, how horrifically  wrong it went.

He shook his head, he hated thinking of it, how everyone's trust in him finally broke when it happened. Even though he believed he cured those people, he also knew what would happen to them if he did attempt to cure them, which made him feel even worse.

The Doctor was so distracted from his thoughts that he didn't hear the sound of footsteps getting closer to his cell. "SCP-049, you will be going to a interview at 15:30, just a heads up." The Doctor perked his head in surprise. A interview? How coincidental, I thought I was never going to be interviewed again, especially after that incident.

The Doctor became even more curious as the time passed. Pretending to write to look like he wasn't interested in this surprise interview.

(Y/n POV)

"Are you sure you should trust SCP-049? He is morally incorrect and what he has a very questionable moral compass, he also refused to tell us what he is trying to cure." "This is just a simple interview, it can't be that bad, please don't get two stressed out Dr. Olson." My assent shakes his head in distress, he hates working with zombie related SCPs so having to deal with SCP-049 is not what he signed up for.

"SCP-049 is dangerous so please be cautious around him, you never know if he wants to turn you into a zombie." My guard laughed, his laugh sounded forced like always. I know him better than anyone, he is a dear friend of mine and always saved my ass during containment breaches.

"I know, Gary, I promise I will keep him in his restraints." In thirty minutes the interview will began, better start getting ready.


The room was mostly silent as the Doctor patiently waited for the interviewer to arrive. He would be logins if he said that he wasn't happy to finally be interviewed again, it's been so long since anyone interviewed him.

He silently prayed it was a doctor who saw potential and worth in his work. He feared they would be like everyone else.

The room remained silent until footsteps started echoing outside the interview room. The SCP's eyes perked as the door opened, "Hello, SCP-049, my name is Mr. L/n and I have assigned this interview."

The man spoke with such a genuine kindness, it took the Doctor by surprise. "Hello, Mr. L/n."

"We will start this interview with a few questions. I know you heard this question many times but unlike the others, I am not a Doctor. What is the pestilence?"

The Doctor knew he would be asked that question, but he can give L/n the excuse that he wasn't in the medical field. " The scourge that has taken many lives, this foundation doesn't reek of the pestilence as the outside does."

"Hmm, how can you sense the pestilence and others can't?" An usual question but the Doctor will answer anyway. "It has a certain smell, the smell means death. A disgusting smell of rot and disease, a smell I though most doctors also could sense." Mr. L/n clicks his pen and writes down what the SCP said.

"Does the disease have any special effects or symptoms?" "The disease is normally asymptomatic but once symptoms appear the victim is already dead. May I ask you a question, Mr. L/n?" Y/n's head perks up from his notebook and looks to the SCP. "Uh, yes. You may ask a question." "Why would someone who doesn't work in the medical field want to know what the pestilence is so much?" The room was silent for several minutes before Y/n answers.

"If I learn what the pestilence is, I can try helping you find a cure," The Doctor's eyes widen at Y/n, no one ever wanted to help him cure the pestilence, especially when they are not a doctor. "I may not be a doctor, but I want to help people too, if the pestilence is the greatest killer to earth I want to cure it before it is too late."

"I see." The Doctor was astounded, this man wishes to help. The other doctors never wanted to help, the Doctor was all alone but maybe Mr. L/n could help that.

The interview felt too fast, maybe it was. After answering his first question, Mr. L/n continued asking for more information on the pestilence.

"Why do you want to cure the pestilence so bad? What inspired you to take on this invisible killer?" "I must use my ability to sense to eradicate this scourge, I don't need a reason to cure these victims. This plague is a merciless killer, catching it would be worse than death."

What an odd answer, 049. I wonder if I did something right by encouraging him. Y/n though as he stared at his ceiling as he drifts to sleep.

The Doctor, however couldn't drift to sleep so easily. He was beyond excited to have another interview with Y/n, the only man who understood the Plague Doctor.

The Doctor continued writing in his journal as he imagined how the next interview would play out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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