Chapter 36: Toy Bonnies 5 stages of grief

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Stage 1- Denial

It had been about a week since the... incident per say. They had found their way back to your house and now you had Withered Bonnie and Foxy living in your house. You had asked what happened to Withered Chica but they just said "we don't talk about her".The others had learned to cope with the loss of their friends. Toy Bonnie had helped them all through it... but he hadn't really left much time for him to grief himself. You walked up to him as he was curled up on the couch, ear down. Henry had come by to fix his ear so he could turn back to human form but ever since all this had happened, he'd been running around, trying to distract his mind. You sat next to him, leaning against him. "You alright dude?" You asked, playing with his hair. "Hm,yea. Why wouldn't I be, bunny. Are you alright?" You nodded. "You think Henry can fix them like he did us? Like, I'm sure if we went back, he could fix them." He asked. You shook your head. "I doubt it, Bon Bon. They were really far gone from what y'all told me. I'm sorry." You mumbled, rubbing his new ear. He purred, which you didn't even think was possible, and leaned into your hand. "I..I don't know. It's just so... weird without those two. I'm not used to the constant yelling of those two while they're playing fortnight or something. They'll be back one day, right? Like, maybe they didn't die in that fire." It was clear he was desperate for some kind of answer. Something positive to look back at. "Maybe Bon Bon, maybe." You responded, putting an arm around him to comfort him. He seemed pleased at your response, as he smiled slightly and rested his head on yours, closing his eyes. Poor Bon, he was secretly in pain, wasn't he?

Stage 2- Anger

Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were currently helping you with dinner again. It seemed everything had gotten back to normal. Or, as normal as it could get rather. Y'all were just making a simple breakfast for dinner since you still needed to get groceries. You were making the scrambled eggs and sausage, Toy Chica had waffles and Toy Bonnie was in charge of toast and drinks. None of y'all were talking like y'all used to. It was extremely awkward now, and you couldn't tell whether you liked the silence or not. "Dang it." Yall heard. You turned around and saw Toy Bonnie chuck a burnt piece of toast into the trash. "It burnt." He pouted, lowering his ears once he saw that all eyes were on him. "It's alright Toy Bonnie. Everyone makes mistakes. PLus, a lot has happened recently so you're probably in your mind a lot. It's no big deal." Toy Chica responded, trying to sound cheerful. He growled and slipped another piece of toast in the toaster. He was acting more aggressive than usual. Your guess, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. You sighed and went back to scrambling your eggs and flipping your sausage. After a minute again, you heard him yell "Ow." You turned around and saw Toy Bonnie had burnt his fingers and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. "That really hurt." He pouted, shooting a glare at the toaster. You turned the stove down and walked over to him. "Come here." You whispered in a calming tone, guiding him over to the sink and turning it on freezing cold, placing his fingers under the water. He grit his teeth, but you kept his fingers their, despite his protest. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts, but it'll help. I promise." You mumbled, placing your head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck. "But it hurts." He growled, lowering his tone. "I know, I know." You said in a soothing voice. This was gonna be a long night.

Stage 3- Bargaining

You were sitting in your shared room with Toy Bonnie. It was strange. He was acting like nothing happened all of a sudden. You sighed and closed your book. "Bon Bon, you sure you're alright. I understand a lot has happened... I'm here if you wanna talk." You mumbled, looking at him. "Nah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Everything's fine. Everythigs finally getting back to normal. Lifes goin great. There's nothing to hate." He explained. Oddly cheery. He wasn't even this cheery before. You sighed and walked over to him, sitting next to him. "I'm here alright. Promise me you'll talk to me if you need it?" You asked. He smiled and nodded. "Of course." He chuckled, pecking your nose. Now, come on, I wanna cuddle." He said, wrapping his arms around you. You would never turn down cuddles with your favorite bunny though. Especially when it sometimes results in you two falling asleep together and cuddling all night. You didn't even begin to think about the fact that he didn't actually say the words, "I promise"

Stage 4- Depression

"Bon, p-please get out of b-bed." Withered Bonnie pleaded, knocking on the door. Toy Bonnie hadn't been out of bed all day and everything was making him sad. And when I say everything, I mean he would look at a door frame and go "He used to walk through that door frame" and break down crying. You'd been with him, just patting his head all day and occasionally reading to him or humming a little tune to distract his mind, but his depressing attitude was rubbing off on you and making it harder for you to be happy. "N-no, I can't. I don't wanna." He mumbled, tears already streaming down his face that was buried in his pillow. "Come on, at least let him come in, Love. He's really worried about you." You mumbled, rubbing his back. He hummed and slightly nodded. "A-alright." You smiled. That was one step to recovery. "Come on in, Bonnie." You whispered-yelled so you knew he could hear you. He silently opened the door and shut it again. "H-Hey Buns. What's-What's poppin, bro?" He asked, sitting at the edge of the bed. He mumbled something inaudible and buried his head further in the pillow. "Should uh...Should i give you two some space or-" "No, we're fine, right?" Toy Bonnie immediately responded. Withered Bonnie shrugged and mouthed the words, "He gets clingy when he's upset." You nodded in understanding and turned to Bon. "Can you at least sit up for him? He probably wants to see your chubby little face." You picked, playfully poking his cheek a few times, causing him to giggle a bit. He sighed and sat up, leaning against you. "Hey bro." He greeted in a monotone voice. "Their y-you are." WIthered Bonnie grinned, pulling him into a hug. You had to stop yourself from awwing. The sight was so cute. "Come on b-bro, don't be a-a depresso espresso." He chuckled, ruffling his brother's hair. "D-dude, quit it." Tb chuckled in reply. "Aw, this is adorable." You finally caved, fangirling. They both laughed. Finally, they were getting somewhere.

Stage 5- Acceptance

"So, you finally good now?" Mangle asked, hanging from the top floor of the house, down. "Yea, I don't know what was going on these last few weeks." He chuckled, slouching on the couch. "I think you just went through all 5 stages of grief, my dude." Henry, who had come over to check up one everyone, said. He tilted his head in confusion. "Greif?" "Don't worry about it. Just know it's a common thing; For both humans and robots." Henry chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "Well, that would explain a lot." Withered Foxy chuckled. Toy Bonnie huffed and looked away, embarrassed. "Well, a lot has happened. Say, where did Y/N go anyway?" Henry asked, looking around. "Uh, I'm pretty positive she's upstairs, taking a nap." Withered Bonnie responded, looking in the direction of where the room was. Not like he could see anything. Oh yea, Henry fixed his voice box while he was their. "Yea, they've been up all night, helping Bon and cleaning up some, helping everyone else around. Probably hasn't gotten a lot of sleep the last few nights." Toy Chica explained, looking at Henry. Toy Bonnie chuckled and scratched his neck nervously. "Whoopsy." He chuckled nervously. Everyone laughed along with him. "They're great. They really are. Sadly, I went back and couldn't find Afton or any of the other corpses so I can't help y'all their. But I may be able to go into the computer system, copy their code, and rebuild them with the memory chip and their code. That might take awhile though." Henry explained. "No, it's ok. That sounds like a lot of work. Though I do miss them a lot, I'm willing to accept the fact that they're gone." Toy Bonnie grineed, "Though, don't you think it's concerning that they're just... missing?" "Eh, it's probably fine. Now, let's make Y/N some cupcakes before she wakes up as a thank you gift." Toy Chica immediately jumped up, running into the kitchen. Toy Bonnie felt required to go so he followed

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