its affection always

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Ashlyn didn't hate Aiden, of course she didn't. As much as he was annoying, and headache inducing, she really did enjoy his company.

She was lonely before him. As much as she tried convincing herself she liked being alone, it wasn't all that great. She knew it was better to not make friends, she knew it was for her own good. But it was so lonely at times.

When Aiden first came up to her, she thought he was crazy, a lunatic even. He was pushy, and weird. She didn't like it. He was new. He was the living embodiment of change, and Ashlyn didn't like change.

God, he was so persistent. He always spoke to her, she hated it for a period of time, but then he really started to grow on her. She acted annoyed, and sometimes she really was. But in reality she did enjoy his presence. She finally wasn't alone.

She didn't understand how one boy could change her life, and she didn't know if it was for the better, or for the worse. But she didn't care as much as she thought she would.

It was months later, months after she met Aiden, months after she considered him a friend.

the month was September. The leaves turned orange and yellow, the weather was crisp and chilly. The sky was black and dotted with stars, it was Saturday. Specifically, a Saturday night.

Ashlyn was laying in bed, legs up to her chest. She was on her phone, opening and closing the same three apps out of boredom. There was nothing to do, it kinda blowed.

In the midst of her opening and closing the same apps, she got a text. It was from the one and only Aiden Clark. Ashlyn opened the text and was a little confused.

u busy?

not rlly


wtf r u trying to do u goof

you'll see ;)

Ashlyn groaned. What was this bitch up to? It's Aiden, so it couldn't be good. God it was too late for this shit.

about 5 minutes later, she heard a knock on her window. Ashlyn took a minute, before huffing. No fucking way. She got up from her very comfortable spot on the bed and dragged herself over, moving the curtains only to reveal a familiar blonde.

She grumbled as he grinned that stupid ass grin at her, she reluctantly opened the window. Heavily considering just flipping him off and leaving him outside.

Ashlyn didn't help him climb in, it's not like he needed it anyway. Kid was like the blonde version of Peter Parker. She sat on her bed, her legs crisscrossed.

"It's eleven at night, what was so urgent you just had to break into my house for?" Ashlyn asked, stifling her laugh.

"Why not?" Aiden shrugged, "Just wanted to talk to you really."

Ashlyn snorted, was it sweet? Yeah. will she admit that? Lol no. She wanted to kick him out, it was late and she was tired. But hell, she's been so bored.

"Talk to me then, i'm all ears." That's all she needed to say before Aiden started talking about anything and everything. She put her two cents in every now and then, but Ashlyn was more a listener than a talker.

They talked for hours upon hours. Aiden was shamelessly rambling and Ashlyn was enjoying every minute of it.

It had gotten so late, Ashlyn was close to knocking out. Aiden seemed fine as ever, a grin plastered on his face and his eyes were glowing.

Her heart fluttered.

She knew she liked him, it was nothing new to her, sure the feelings were new, but she's known about them for the longest time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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