-> chapter ten

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Hi !!! I know this took so long but I'm finally getting around to finishing this off. Ready to finally complete this story! <3

UPDATE: OMG ITS OVER GUYS! this is so bittersweet for me! i loved writing this but i'm also so happy i finished it. love you guys so much, thank you for the support! <3

possibly another H.O.W related fic in the future. for now, this is it :)


    "it's burning

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"it's burning...burning to the ground"

Carly took frantic steps on the upper part of the burning museum, wax melting rapidly and attempting to sink her into it's warm embrace. A soft cry escaped her lips as a strong hand wrapped around her red locks and tugged her back. Her foot lifted up and kicked back as she shoved him back, loosening his grip and rushing forward again. She darted into the first available room but her heart was currently racing a mile a minute.

The heat is terrible, burning fast and melting the wax. The air was humid and filled with a candle-like smell as the walls started to slowly collapse and ooze down around her. Carly is stressed and she isn't sure what to do now that she's got a raging Vincent storming after her along with a girl who she desperately wanted to save but now has realized that she's been betrayed.

Still, a part of her wanted to take the girl out of the wax building with her. Carly always had a good heart.

The ginger haired woman scans the room that she is now in. It's a baby's room and upon scanning a dresser, she finds a small wax replica of the entire town. It seems like the brothers had some pretty strict plans they wanted to follow.

Quickly, Carly shoved the dresser against the door just in time for Vincent to smash his carving tool deeply into the softening wax of the door. She yelps as it barely makes contact between her eyes.

"Vincent! Leave her alone!" (Y/n)'s voice sounded strongly into the grieving brother's ears as she stomped her way towards him. Wax was melting around them both as she noticed that she was literally on the verge of sinking.

(Y/n) knew that she held a moment of weakness by deciding that leaving Vincent wasn't an option anymore but she had stayed down by Bo's dead body for a few minutes. She concluded that she needed to prove herself by trying to save the innocent survivors here, even if it meant that she died alongside the two crazy brothers.

Maybe that was her fate all along. If being trapped in a wax figure for your entire life wasn't already enough.

She needed to end this.

Vincent rammed the tool into the door a few more times before his gaze switched to her. A fire was behind his eyes as he stared her down, long raven hair messy and wax filled. His tense fingers gripped the tool harshly and she could feel the anger steaming off of him.

WAX FIGURES -&gt; vincent sinclair x fem!reader (ACT TWO!)Where stories live. Discover now