-> chapter six

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(Alright so, last chapter was actually a little short and didn't include any backstory but this one does. Little trigger warning for bullying!)

The sun was shining and the townspeople of Ambrose were wandering the streets

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The sun was shining and the townspeople of Ambrose were wandering the streets. Bright smiles etched onto their faces, some walking with small children. Dogs ran around happily with their owners.

The town was probably the most life filled place on earth. It was hidden behind a highway but they still got many tourists because of the bright sign that adorned the streets.

Among these lively people was a family named the Sinclair's. They were well known for owning a wax museum and being the first parents to welcome something very very strange.


But not the normal kind, no. Two that had been attached to each other quite literally at birth. Seeing as no one else had children like this, it was extremely hard for the family to cope. Word traveled and soon everyone was terrified of the two conjoined boys.

Their names were Vincent and Bo. Two very contrasting personalities but still the same boy nevertheless. They had an older brother named Lester but he didn't like to keep himself around his family much. The two boys only ever had their parents, namely their mother.

Things had changed however when a surgery was undergo and suddenly the two boys were no longer together. They now had their own bodies which meant they could no longer be tormented, right?

That was unfortunately not the case.

The torment only increased over the days as the separation had caused a large scar to form. It mostly messed with Vincent, he had a majorly deformed face while the damage done to Bo was only on the back of his head.

Trudy Sinclair was quite the genius, so it seemed.

She started to use her wax to mold into the flesh of Vincent's face. It helped create a mold for the boy, a whole new appearance. Bo was only allowed to have a hat over his head to cover his damage.

It caused a change in the boy however. He started to become much more aggressive, dangerous. This caused him to have to be strapped to his chair because he wouldn't stop his constant kicking and screaming.

One particular morning, while Trudy roughly tried to get Bo to settle down, Vincent had been sent outside until his brother had calmed down.

The little boy felt the stares of judgement down upon him but he ignored it for the time being, sitting down on his steps. It wasn't until he was approached by someone that he looked away from his lap.

There was a young girl standing before him, (h/c) hair tied tightly between two ribbons and an abnormally large smile on her face. Her (e/c) eyes lit up once they saw him giving her his attention.

"Hi! I couldn't help but notice that you were alone so I've come to invite you to play with me and my friends" Her voice was soft, gentle as she reached out for his hand. Not knowing what to do, Vincent had shyly pulled his hand away and curled up.

The frown on her face sent a strange flutter of guilt through his body as he suddenly shook his head, reaching his arms out to comfort her. He had always been the softer of the two brothers, just wishing to make others feel happy.

"H-hey it's ok...I just don't want you to be all alone! No one deserves that" She giggled and then grabbed his hand in her own, gently pulling him off the staircase. His feet fought to keep up with her faster ones as they were brought over to a dirt path.

A group of kids stood there with what looked to be a jump rope of some sort in their grasp. "Guys! I brought a new friend!" The pretty girl yelled happily but that same happiness didn't seem to spread to the other kids.

The laughing started and suddenly rude insults were passed around the group and aimed directly at Vincent. The girl watched in horror as her friends called him names and pushed him around.


"Deformed boy."


"Ugly beast!"

She could only watch with tears slowly building up in her eyes before the boy next to her turned and began to run from the group with tears streaming down his face from under his mask.

"Wait!" But the girl's yell went unnoticed.


The second time the two had seen each other was one evening when she had seen him sitting on the edge of the docks. Sitting down next to him, she slowly sent him a smile.

He was glaring at her from under his mask but she still kept being friendly. "Look, I'm so sorry for how my friends treated you...I just wanted you to be included because I know that you and your brother aren't well liked" She spoke softly.

Vincent's face snapped towards her and he felt himself calming down more and becoming curious of her behavior. No one else had attempted to get the two boys into their friend circle so...why was she any different?

His head titled and she giggled softly at him. "You don't talk, do you?" She took his hand in hers. "That's alright. I'm (y/n)." She smiled.

Something changed in Vincent that day.

WAX FIGURES -> vincent sinclair x fem!reader (ACT TWO!)Where stories live. Discover now