Chapter 1 - Pizza Time

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[before I start this I’m gonna get some things out of the way.

Charlie is 20 and older than Michael who’s 17 and the Afton family has moved in with the Emily’s. It’s 1983 but since were lazy and its an au/rp they have phones they can text on, if that bugs you sorry]

Micheal and Charlie are standing in the kitchen of Charlie house bickering. “Charlie, why doesn’t your house have any snacks!?” Mike said searching the kitchen for anything junk food related “uhh…I haven’t been to the store in awhile, sorry” But all Mike found was a basket of apples “Why do you only have fruit! I want crisps” Charlie sighed from the table where she was sitting “Father planted a fruit tree” Mike went and sat across from her and said mockingly “Fatha planted a fruit tree!” Causing Charlie to look at him with an upset expression “hey you're the one that’s British, weirdo” Mike glared “Your dad likes the accent!” He stuck his tongue out at her and folded his arms. Charlie made a disappointed face “Yeah well my dads a bitch” Mike grins “yeah! He thinks its sooo hot!” He starts making kissy faces. Before Charlie can respond Elizabeth runs into the house from outside hiding something in her hands “Miss Charlie?” Liz stares up at Charlie smiling wide. “Yes, dear?” Charlie asks curiously as Liz opens her hands to reveal a dead rat. “Can I put this dead rat in your room?” Charlie and Mike look at the little girl confused “uh why do you have a dead rat?” Charlie asks before Mike cuts in “Where did you get it?” Liz smiles cutely “I stepped in it” Charlie looks grossed out and Mike says “You stepped ON it…its not a puddle” Elizabeth's smile fades “it looked like a puddle aftawards” Charlie Laughs nervously “uh well you can put it outside, ok?” Liz frowns “but that’s where is was before” Charlie thinks “uh well maybe that’s its home?” Liz stares at her “not anymore” Then suddenly the door slams open to reveal William and Henry standing outside it, Henry holding several pizza boxes and clearly struggling to carry them all on his own. “CHILDREN WE BROUGHT FOOD!” Will walks further into the house past Liz patting her on the head “Cute mouse, darling” he says before standing by the table away from Mike and Charlie. Mike goes and offers Henry help as Evan runs down from upstairs and over to his father. “FATHA! THE BEAR TALKS TO ME WHEN YOU'RE GONE” the little boy yells tears forming in his eyes slightly as he holds up the golden plush of fredbear to his father, who looks down at the boy annoyed. “That’s strange… have you tried not bothering me with your stupid childish issues” he pushed the bear away “But Fatha!” Evan yelled starting to cry. William give Evan a fake smile and turns to everyone else again. “I hope everyone likes pineapple” Mike groans and sets the boxes down before sitting back down and putting his head down on the table mumbing “gross”. Evans eyes widen “PINEAPPLE IS YELLOW LIKE THE BEAR SO I DONT LIKE PINEAPPLE!” Henry sighs and sets what he was holding down then goes to sit next to Charlie who looks over at him suspiciously “You have fun ‘getting food’ dad?” Henry glances at William then looks at her nervously “uh.. I-I don’t know what you mean by that, darlin” William ignores Evan and glares at Charlie “your daughter is nosey, Henry” Then he looks back at Evan “Than you can starve” Liz pulls at her fathers pant leg to get his attention and he looks down at her. “Fatha? Can my rat eat with us?” Before he can answer she shoves the rat at Evans face. “EVAN LOOK!” Evan screams and runs back upstairs to his and Elizabeths bedroom hiding under his bed. William rolls his eyes and Henry sighs looking back at Charlie “We just..went to the diner to drop some things off then get food” Charlie glares suspiciously “Riiiight…Did you at least get any normal pizza” she asks looking at the ungodly amount of pineapple pizzas. “Uh pepperoni and one cheese” Charlie picks up the entire pepperoni pizza box. “Sweet” then she walks upstairs to find Evan. “H-hey wait Charlie-“ Henry tries to protest but William cuts in “Henry i think you’ve had enough meat today” he winks. Henry turns completely red “W-Will-“ Mike does a spit take and tries not to laugh as Liz looks at Will and Henry confused “Did you guys already have pizza without us?” Charlie knocks on the open door of Evans room and walks in. “Evan?” She peaks under the bed “Hey I brought you some-“ she reaches down and touches Evans shoulder. “ NO NO NO NOT AGAI-..o-oh” Charlie pulls her hand away and sits down on the floor looking at Evan worried…”-pizza…” Evan crawls out from under the bed and sits by her. “Thank you miss Charlie” she pats Evans head and smiles kindly “no problem kid..” Evan stuffs pizza into his face “ar yof gonfg eath anyduy?” She laughs a little “ I ah not right now, kiddo” Evan Shrugs “Moredf forf Mehs!” His face is now covered in pizza sauce and cheese. Back downstairs Henry and William are talking “I think we should have Evans party at the diner, Henry? What do you think, love?” Henry nervously touches the back of his neck “I….but he’s terrified of the animatronics?” William frowns at Henry “But if we do it at the diner it’ll be free?” He thinks “And! He can meet some new kids or something” Henry sighs “….I suppose” William smiles “I could invite my friends Fatha?” William frowns at the mere sound of Micheal talking to him “Sure…Whatever..” he looks back at Henry and smiles “I just think it could bring in a lot of kids- customers..” Henry still looks unsure…”yeah….” Charlie had tucked Evan in, who had fallen asleep after eating almost a whole pizza to himself, and was now coming back downstairs with the leftover pizza, setting it on the table and sitting next to Mike at the table who was now staring in shock as Elizabeth sat picking pieces of pineapple off her pizza trying to  shove the pieces down the dead rats throat unsuccessfully. William looked over at her and stoped her. “Honey…I don’t think your doing that” he grabs a knife and cutes the rats mouth open wider “there…” Elizabeth grins and continues what she was doing, everyone else staring in disbelief…”You scare me sometimes Will…” Will smirks and says softly to Henry “But you like it don’t you, Henry”  he lifts Henry’s chin a little. And Henry blushes quickly pulling away from Will and turning to Charlie to change the subject “H-hows Evan?” Charlie glares “He’s asleep..” Will chuckles softly and runs his hand over Henrys thigh causing Henry to freeze up blushing again “Micheal…watch your siblings…Henry and I have more ‘work’ to do upstairs” before anyone can really react William had taken Henry and led them up into Henry’s bedroom locking the door. Charlie facepalms “For fucks sake…gross” Mike looks just as grossed out “Your dad really is a bitch” Charlie glares “So is yours” Mike thinks for a second "Hey we should go to the arcade?" Liz frowns "You can't! Fatha said you had to watch us!" Charlie stands up from the table. "And I don't feel like driving you so your gonna have to stay here and -" Charlie hears noises coming from upstairs and cringes "ugh…on second thought the arcade sounds fun let's go!" She goes to rush Liz and Mike out the door, when Evan come running down over to her hugging her leg "AAAH THE SCARY MONSTERS ARE BACK I COULD HEAR THEM!" Mike tries his best not to burst out laughing "Evan it's not monsters it's just..uh..nevermind" Charlie cringes again "Come on Charlie we'll just take Liz and Evan with..where's your dads wallet?" Charlie sighs "where do you think?" Mike frowns "oh…" Charlie takes Evan and Elizabeths hands and walks with them out to Henry's truck helping them in before getting into the drivers seat, Mike gets in the passengers seat. "You can just…pickpocket someone I don't know…" She says to Mike while starting the truck.. Mike shrugs ok and buckles his seatbelt. "MISS CHARLIE???" Evan yells "What is it Evan?" She starts the truck and pulls out of the driveway and onto the road. "WILL THE MONSTERS STILL BE THERE WHEN WE GET BACK???" Charlie makes a face "They better not be.." Mike looks back at his little brother "if they are we can just watch a movie really loud" Evans eyes widen and he frowns "But you like to watch zombie movies!" Liz butts in "I like zombie movies!" Evan glares at her then looks back at Mike "Can't we watch something like Scooby doo!" Mike raises an eyebrow "You're scared of Fredbear but not Scooby doo?" Evan smiles "Doggy! :D" They continue on driving to the arcade.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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