The Season's Pair *taster*

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Chapter 1.

Miss Elizabeth Stafford put down the book she had been reading with a distinct lack of interest. A woman of rare beauty and disposition, she was renowned throughout the ton for her grace, good looks and infallible charm. Many a man had fallen for her dazzling smile and clear blue eyes, but none had bothered with her incredible intellect and wit. She spent many an evening at balls being fawned over gentlemen of the highest breeding, and yet had never found somebody with whom she could possibly stand to spend more than ten minutes in polite conversation with before she had to excuse herself.

Elizabeth mused over the particular attentions that Sir Walter Watercaw had paid her the other evening at the Vorster's dinner party. How arrogant his presumptions that he would be the only man she wished to talk with, she thought to herself as she picked up her book and put it in the shelf of her father's library. It was only a week into the season and yet Elizabeth already found herself becoming quite sick of Sir Walter.

Although a man of good breeding and passable looks, she found herself less than interested in his topics of conversation. 'Why Miss Stafford your eyes do sparkle brighter the wondrous diamonds that are so lucky to rest on your graceful neck.' 'Oh Miss Stafford your dress complements perfectly the soft auburn toning of your radiant hair.' 'Miss Stafford, could I possibly tempt you tear your illustrious eyes away from that book, and come dance with me?'

A very unladylike snort escaped from Elizabeth as she contemplated Sir Walter's desperate attempts to show that she was with him, and him alone. She had sorely wanted to have a private giggle with her dearest friend, Lady Teresa Killburn, but Sir Walter had to stuck to her side like a slimy limpet.

"I suppose he believes that his inheritance of his father's title has enabled him to suddenly court me in this intruding fashion." She said to herself. It was true that Sir Walter had recently become Lord Dolby, but did that really give him the right to follow her around like a lost puppy?

A knock on the door behind her interrupted Elizabeth's thoughts. She suddenly thought 'God what if he's come to pay his attentions to me now!'

Thankfully, the knock was her father's butler, Poole, come to announce the arrival of Lady Teresa, who strode past the butler and straight into the open arms of her friend. Three years older than Elizabeth, Lady Teresa was also considered one of the great beauties in Town. Unlike the simpering debutantes that were still in their first season, Lady Teresa held herself with such an air that most people almost cowered under her piercing glare.

Elizabeth however, had found her expressive green eyes and stimulating conversation most agreeable, and had endeavoured two years ago to befriend her. Their friendship was a strong one, and there was nothing that the two young ladies enjoyed more than a gossip in the comfort of one or the other's home.

"My darling Elizabeth!" Lady Teresa exclaimed as she hugged her friend warmly, "How are you? I haven't seen you in days! Not since the dinner party at the Vorsters's! What a dull evening that was wouldn't you agree dear?"

Elizabeth beamed at her friend whose excitement was obvious. "I'm absolutely fine darling. And gosh, it was absolutely ghastly! Did you see the valiant Lord Dolby by any chance."

"My word Lizzy who didn't see Lord Dolby? His attempts with you were bordering on ridiculous. Was I right in hearing him call you Elizabeth?" Lady Teresa asked her eyes wide and glittering with amusement. Her eyebrows arched upwards delicately and she couldn't stop holding Elizabeth's gaze, such was her disgust and beguilement at Sir Walter's overly forward amorous behaviour.

Elizabeth gave out a resigned sigh, not particularly appreciating her friends obvious merriment.

"It is true my dear, he insisted. His exact words were, 'Dear Miss Stafford I do believe you must call me Walter and I you Elizabeth? After all I can see we are getting along swimmingly." I couldn't believe what I heard. His overall behaviour was disgracefully impertinent."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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