Talking is Good

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Mike and Tré sat at a table in the bar and watched Billie trying to reel in his new catch. From the looks of things and the way she was leaning all over him, it didn't seem like it was going to take much; sleeping with a fan was always easy and they would usually be up for anything.
"I dunno what he sees in her." Tré huffed, chewing the peanuts he was picking at with more force than necessary.
Mike was cautious about talking about Billie's playthings and always tried to stay neutral. "I don't know, she seemed nice enou-"
"She's just another pair of tits, just a walking, fucking, pair of tits with eyeliner and fishnets." He had swallowed the nuts but his teeth were continuing to grind.
"Look, I think you should get out of here and away from him. I don't know why or how you put up with him doing this every time we go out... its not fair on you Tré."
"I know... but at least if I stay then I know where he is."
"It's your call."
"Fuck it, let's just go."
"You sure?"
"As I'll ever be, now come on before I change my mind."
Tré and Mike left the bar, saying a quick goodbye to their friend and the woman he would most definitely fuck.
"Where'd you want to go?" Mike asked as they crossed the street.
"It dunno, wherever is near here and sells alcohol."
Luckily there was a small pub just down the road and they settled at a table inside for the night.

As they finished their second round of beer Tré rested his head in his hands.
"Tré?" Mike tilted his head.
He didn't look up but replied, "what."
"You can't live like this. You're not the same as you used to be... you're tired all the time-"
"That's because I can't sleep..."
"You've lost your sense of humour-"
"Wouldn't you?"
"And you hardly talk anymore..."
Tré shrugged, "I can't... what would I say?"
"Anything. You need to talk to us, talking is good. It doesn't have to be to Billie, you could just tell me about it and that's better than nothing."
"I don't know what to say that doesn't make me sound like a complete twat."
"You do that pretty well as it is, so I really wouldn't worry about that." The bassist winked at his friend and Tré couldn't help smile.
"Thanks Mike..."
"Don't mention it, now who's round is this?"
"I think it's yours.."
Mike snorted, "I had to ask..."

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