Some people see bullying as a joke or something we don't need to worry about. Some adults may look at it and say they'll work it out No...they will not work it out stand up for your friends or even your bully. If your bully is getting bullied stand up and show them they may not like you but you love a non weird way. Earlier I was told that I am my best friends..Best friend...and that felt good. Now what about that boy that you see sitting alone everyday at lunch? He doesn't have anybody...go show him you are his best friend and you care about him. What about that girl you called fat? Her parents don't have enough money so when she can eat she does. So you should be a bigger person take her a snack tomorrow to school. Show her how much you do care. Just remember no matter how mean they are to you...they're probably just jealous. Because people still get jealous and you are way to pretty to ever look down on yourself and don't you ever forget that. ..Get it? Got it? Good.
ActionTake the challenge we need to stop bullying people and people need to stop bullying us.