Chapter Eight: Unexpected Guest

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A/N: To those who have read this chapter before the edit, I have change a part of it.

Gavin POV

All of us are in our Dino Fury Megazord: Blade Formation, as we fought Doomsnake.

"How about we cut to the chase? Rangers!" Doomsnake shouted, as he attack us.

"Whoa! He's coming in fast!" Zayto said, as we attack him. "Let's put an end to this Sporix Beast!"

"Mega Fury Saber!" Zayto shouted, as he summons it, and grabs it. "Dino Fury Megazord! Mega Slash!" He shouted, as we destroyed Doomsnake.

"Dino Fury Victory!"

Suddenly our Megazord starts to short-circuit.

"It's some kind of energy wave!" Ollie exclaimed. "Coming from the woods!"

Our Megazord starts falling apart.

"Zord Integrity failing!" Zayto exclaimed. "Abandon Megazord!" He said, as all of us got out.

[̲̅K] [̲̅N] [̲̅I] [̲̅G] [̲̅H] [̲̅T]

All of us teleported to Dinohenge.

"Oh wow! You weren't kidding about the integrity!" Izzy said, as we saw our Megazord fall apart. "Clue us in! What happened?"

"I-I don't know, but if something can sabotage our Megazord like that, we have a huge problem." Zayto said, as a bird flew by. "Whoa! Uh, okay, maybe Solon can..." He was about to say, as the bird flew in front of his face. "What's with this bird?"

The bird flew and turned into a person, a person that I know very well of.

"That's different." Amelia said.

"Howdy, Rangers." Mick greeted, as we went towards him.

"Uh, Hi, Big guy." Javi said, as they shook hands.

"It's a huge privilege to meet you all, I am Mick Kanic!" Mick said, as he shook our hands.

"I think you mean a mechanic." Ollie said.

"No." I said. "Mick and Kanic." I said, then I de-morphed. "Hey, Mick." I greeted.

"Oh my stars! Gavin!" Mick said, as we hugged. "It's so good to see you."

"You too." I said.

"You know him?" Javi asked.

"Well-" I was about to say, until Izzy interrupted.

"Your hair, wow." Izzy said to Mick.

"Uh, do you kids mind if I get a selfie?" Mick asked. "I've got pics with over forty Rangers, across the galaxy." He said.

"You know other Rangers?" Amelia asked.

"Really?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah." Mick replied.

All of the others de-morphed.

"Classic de-morphed. I love it." Mick said. I chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" Zayto asked.

"I'm following the Nexus Prism." Mick replied. "Okay, uh. The Nexus Prism is a Mystical Object with a strong connection to the Morphin' Grid. It cross several galaxies and it landed, somewhere near here."

"I wanna know what it's up to, so I say we team up to find out." Mick said.

"Uh, well-" Amelia said.

"That's gr-" I said.

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