Chapter 2: WDU

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The drive to WDU isn't long, but it's boring. The only scenery being hundreds of trees, which seem to be endless. There's an occasional road off to the side with a an entrance into the woods, but no one is seen driving on those roads almost never. They say it dangerous to enter into those areas unless you know where you're going. Hikers go missing all the time, and it's happened so much it's gotten to be normal thing. Your in the papers for a week max, then it's on to something new, until the next missing person pops up. It's almost like they are erased from existence. Sometimes I think people don't want to be found. 

"The suns hiding out today, looks like it's going to be a early fall this year."

He smiles, and this time is genuine. 

I smile back, happy that he's happy. I expected tears since this is the first time i'll be this far away from him, but he seems to have finally accepted it. 

"Yea, I can't wait for it too finally begin. I'm so excited to start school. I wonder who my roommate is, or what she looks like."

"I'm sure she will be a nice girl sweetheart, I still can't believe your leaving your old man. It feels like just yesterday you were learning to walk and call my dada" He fans his face, pretending to drop tears in sadness, pouting his face out. 

I chuckle, he's so damn cheesy, yet such a big teddy bear. "I'm going to miss you dad, but I'm only an hour and a half away, I can always come and visit you. So stop the sadness sir, you will be fine without me. I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart." He smiles again, giving up the crocodile tears. I squeeze his hand, and we exit the main roadway onto Woodland Road, home to largest university in Woodland City. 

Its packed, with someone families dropping off their loved ones for their first day of school. Some crying, some cheering, one family in particular embrace one another in a group style. They are all identical, from head to toe. The tallest man, I'm assuming the father, has a thick dark brown beard, and smooth brown skin. He's built like a muscular bear, a grizzly bear to be exact. His wife, I'm guessing, has long blonde hair, wavy and smooth, with bright blue eyes and medium white faired skin. The two younger kids, one girl one boy, has to be twins. They are identical, said the fact one is a boy and one is a girl. Matching curly locks, the boy like his father, and the girl like her mother. I couldn't get a good look at the person they were embracing, but whoever it is was has a very loving family. 

I start to feel butterflies in my stomach, I can't believe I'm actually here. This is it. A whole new life, begins here, now. What will the future hold.

We pull next to the grand office building, located at the front of the university. Like it's name, its surrounded by trees, with dorm buildings being off the far right side, and school buildings on the far left. You have to walk a trail through a small part of the woods to get from point a to b, but they make it slightly easier by combining all major places in one area. For instance, all food and school stores are also located in the classroom building, and all things home, located in the dormitories. There are no frats or sororities, just two giant dorm buildings with alternating floors of gender based rooms. 1 floor of only women, the next only men, so on and so forth. 

I exit the car, feet planted firmly on the ground. I'm so damn nervous, I was more than sure I would crumble to ground.

"Okay, we made it safely. I guess this is goodbye. Promise me you'll call me every other day, so that I'll know your safe. Oh goodness I just love my little baby so much" He begins to fan his eyes again, this time with some tears coming out. 

I embrace him, taking in his scent. He's always smelled so clean, so fresh, with a hint of cigarettes, and well, man. I could never describe it, but its home. It makes me feel so happy, so safe and sound. 

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