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"I hate it !!" A deep voice rang through the massive bedroom, as the ball he threw bounced on the greyish-colored wall before returning to his hands. His curly blonde hair fell beautifully on his forehead which was parted from the middle. His long pretty eyelashes kiss his cheeks whenever he blinks. Not just that, his charm was indefinable. The mole adoring his nose as well as the special thing about him was his green orbs which he got from his mother.

Soon, a knock was heared outside his bedroom. "Young master. Mr Kim is calling you. It's urgent" the voice of a lady rang through his ears resulting him to let out a shakey sigh. "Coming" Saying that he stood up from the bed. After wearing his slipper he skipped down the stairs towards the living room where his father was seated. He glanced at the grey haired male who was already having his gaze fixed on him. He seemed furious."Yes father ?" The blonde male asked in a small voice.

"I heared you've applied in a public high school instead of a idol high school. Is that true Taehyung ?!" The elder shouted, standing up from the couch. He stood infront of his son who had his eyes fixed on the floor as if it's the most beautiful thing in the earth at the moment. "I asked you something kid" Mr Kim states in a calm voice this time. Crossing his arms against his chest.

"Y-yes" Taehyung states. His eyes already moist with the crystal clear tears feeling in them. He craned his head towards his father. Those watering orbs melting the heart of the old man. Mr Kim let out a small sigh. "Fucking fine ! But you won't go there without bodyguards. You will have a secretive bodyguard behind you sent by me. To keep an eye on you. Just incase you end up in a trouble." The elder declared with authority in his voice.

"No please. Dad i never asked you anything but this time I'm begging you. Please i w-want to live a n-normal life. P-please don't p-put me through this j-jail in high school t-too" Taehyung cried. Kneeling down infront of his father who seemed unfazed. He craned his neck towards the lady who was silently watching everything. The lady let out a small sigh before nodding her head. Mr Kim closed his eyes. "Fine. Now leave my feet" the elder spoke.

Taehyung smiled widely. Throwing himself on his father. Wrapping his arms around the elder male and hugging him tightly. Only to be disappointed when the male didn't hugged him back. Shrugging the feeling off. Taehyung walked to his bedroom. Plopping himself on the bed. He closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles while stretching his arms. "Tommorrow is going to be the best day of my life..." He mumbled to himself. Letting the sleep take over.

A/N : Chapter 1st and 2nd is short. Only as a brief introduction of characters life.

Word Count : 523

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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