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    The plan didn't quite work out as Calliope and Julliiete hoped. It didn't take long for Juliette's parents to call Calliope's and both girls had to return home that night. Talia paced back and forth in front of the coffee table as Calliope sat on the couch in between Theo and Apollo. Her father sat in the armchair in front of her. Calliope was familiar with this type of silence, she was in trouble.
   Big trouble.
"You know....I've always been too easy on you Cal," started her mother. "A lot of it was because you're my first baby girl and my last baby, I didn't want you to grow up so fast. But this...this is ridiculous. Do we need to send you to boarding school?"
"No? Cause that's what we're doing in a few weeks. You don't care about this family's reputation, you don't care about us and you don't care about Tess who lost her parents to the family of this girl!"
   "That was your fault! You attacked them!"
"You wanna tell Tess that?" her father asked. Calliope shrank in her sit, her father never got snippy with her. This wasn't going to end well.
     "Calliope I don't want to send you away but this is getting bad babygirl. You don't seem to care."
   "It's not that Daddy I'm just-"
"In love," said her mother. "You're in love with the vampire that bit you and sunk its venom in you."
  "But boarding school? Mom even Apollo has done worse and you haven't sent him away," said Theo when he noticed the tears running down Calliope's face.
"And maybe we should have! You're sneaking into this girl's house and you've been there for what? Two days?"
Calliope was openly crying now looking at her hands. She knew it would be bad but boarding school was such a stretch.
Talia took Calliope's hand, "Look baby I'm not trying to make you cry and this isn't a final decision but it will happen if something like this happens again. Consider this a warning."
   "Okay," Calliope sniffed.
"We're taking your phone away and after exams this week you need to be right back home. Understood?"
   "Yes Daddy, c-can I go to my room?"
"You may, dinner is in twenty minutes."


    Juliette was sitting on her bed in tears as her mother took everything in relation to an electronic device that she could contact someone on and put it into a trash bag her father was holding. Her dad looked indifferent but he knew once her mother was this mad there was nothing that could be done.
   Elinor was standing at the doorway smiling as she watched the entire thing.
"I just don't understand I didn't raise you to be this stupid!Are you stupid Juliette is that what you're telling me? Do I have another Oliver?"
  "No!" Juliette cried.
    "Hey honey it's okay," said her father. "Don't cry-"
"Stop babying her! This is why we're in this mess! You're not a baby and you're so grounded Juliette you will not believe it. I honestly should spank you."
   "Because I'm in love? Elinor started it you attacked me and forced me to drink blood! And that's not the first time she bit me!"
  Elinor gasped, "But Juliette-Juliette was with Calliope this whole time!"
"So what? We're not hurting anybody."
"I forbid it!" yelled Margot. "They attacked our family!"
    "It's not like we were so innocent! You're such a fucking hypocrite!"
   Margot gasped and slapped Juliette across the face before Sebastain could stop her. Juliette was too shocked to react and Margot's entire expression changed once she looked at Juliette. It took her back to when Elinor was younger and they were in the same position over and over again. Elinor always looked up at her with that same sad, tear covered face. 
  Margot left the room, Sebastian kissed Juliette's forehead and gave her phone back before following Margot giving Elinor the opportunity to tip toe into her room. She was no longer laughing.
    "Now do you know what it's like? Do you know how important this is? Why they sheltered you so much I'll never know but you are going down a very dangerous rabbit hole Juliette. So before you text Calliope again think about what just happened and consider if that hunter is worth ruining our reputation."

One more chapter and then I'm jumping to Season One episode 8 since it's official we're really not getting more first kill. Sarah Catherine is working on another project right now.

Calliette/First Kill Texts and One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now