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Five days ago
"Lady Arachnia!" The stout maid yelled from the outside of my much-to-large for me door
Rolling over onto my back, I pull the blankets up past my head.
"Lady Arachnia, may I come in?" She called for me again.
Giving her a simple yes, she walked in with a dress already in hand. It was pretty but boring. The pink color would clash against the red tone of my skin and the beading did nothing for my figure.
"Ms. Gold, you know I can't wear that," I went to continue, but I got a "hmph" in return.
"I know Lady Arachnia, This is just for size at the moment." She smiled wide at me.
No matter how much I hated the formality that came with being a "princess", I always liked having Ms. Gold around. She was the only person that listened to me at all. I know it sounds dramatic, but not even my mother listens to me. She is always worried about what Spinster wants and what he thinks I should wear. Of course, Ms. Gold listens to me and not him.
" Now, I can have this altered to be black with purple beading if you would like." I nodded to her statement.
"We can also have it made shorter, you never know what could happen at the ball tomorrow night." She smiled again, gesturing for me to try on the dress.
It was all too tight for me. My chest was pushed up to my ears and I could barely walk in the long tight skirt.
"Ms. Gold, this is all too revealing and not to mention unbearably tight." I squeaked out with a sharp intake of breath
The maid nodded and took note. Then she showed me her little clipboard with the alterations she planned to make. It was perfect in every way possible.
"I know Spinster wouldn't like this, but can I get those alterations?" I asked her pointing to the design on the clipboard.
Ms. Gold nodded at me and dismissed herself from the room. I wish there was more time to spend before the ball. These parties were always stupid. In my opinion, learning to fight will always be better than learning to dance. Especially if it's learning to dance with Spinster.
Anyways, I do have some responsibilities to fill my day. I have to read this large book in the library that's all about how to be a proper lady. I have dance practice with Spinster, and then I have dinner in my room. I wish I could learn to fight like my father rather than spend time trying to be a proper lady. I could spend my days teaching the kids on Arktana how to defend themselves and how to hunt. I could even take them on trips to the dark spots. But that's all just a dumb fantasy some dumb girl has because she is "not ready for the responsibility". That's at least what Spinster tells my mother. It's always been his word over mine.

As I walked down to the library, I snuck a few peaks at the decorations. All of it was pink and blue. Like a socially constructed gender reveal you'd see in old magazines. As I walk past the large doors to hear my mother giggling. Assuming Spinster was on par with being her lap dog, it was probably a really lame one he has told many times before. Now don't get me wrong. I can find jokes funny, but not when they're from a pompous attercop.
My thoughts were cut off by a maid two times my size. She was rushing through with a basket of black decorations. Obviously, someone gave her the right color scheme over that hideous color combo in the main room. I watch her dodge the plates of lunch foods as she zooms past the line of cooks in their white attire. Tomorrow is surely going to be one busy day, if not busier than today.
Making my way to the library, I saw the bright light above the book assigned to every born woman in the royal family. It's just a bunch of melodrama about how women are supposed to be small but still have a grasp on all things going on around them. It is the most stupid, misogynistic, and boring thing I have to read. The worst part is most queens read it before getting married to a king. My mother didn't have to read it until she was bedridden after she had become pregnant with me. It all just stinks of hypocrisy.
The large book sat before me under a layer of never-ending dust. The emblem of my family shined brightly as I opened up to the last page I was reading. Taking it over to the nearby table, I began my daily reading. Four hours of nonstop stupidity.
Hours passed while the staff continued to get the main room ready for the ball. The only thing I could care about was the beautiful man before me. Well, I had to guess he was beautiful. I couldn't see what he looked like. Just what we were doing. We were having tea on a mountain covered in flowers. I laughed at the jokes he told me and smiled at his stories. Moments passed as we sat there hand in hand. Our heads ever so slightly get closer and closer. Our lips pucker at the anticipation of a kiss and-
" Lady Arachnia, you are late for lunch with your mother." Ms. Gold spoke as she shook my shoulders to wake me up.
My sleepy state faded as I picked up my head, a string of saliva following my movements. I had fallen asleep while reading. Again.
" Come, let's get you freshened up before she sends Sir Spinster to find you" She helped me up and to the bathroom off to the side of the room.
" Thank you, Ms. Gold." I entered the facilities to wipe my eyes off any sleep and make sure I didn't look as miserable as I felt.
That was the 6th dream I've had of this mystery man. He always met me on the mountain. It's like he's always waiting for me there. Never moving until I meet him again.
The table before me was set out for three people. As much as I love my mother, I wish she would let us have lunch together without the presence of Spinster. I hated having to look at him while eating. He loved to chime in anytime I had something to say to my mother. It's almost like he enjoys pissing me off.
"Good afternoon dear," My mother smiled as Spinster pulled out her chair only to push it in once she sat down.
"Afternoon Mother. " I look at Spinster as he tries pulling my chair out.
"Please, sit." He smiles my way.
He is definitely up to something and it is not a good something.
"Are you excited for the ball tomorrow?" My mother asked, driving my vision from Spinster's malignant expression.
"I'm only excited for the food." I started as I plopped a tomato into my mouth.
"Maybe you'd be more excited if you got an extra dance lesson with me instead of lollygagging with your fashion." Spinster piped up with a wicked grin on his face.
I'd rather die than dance with him again. I rather burn on all 5 of our suns.
"No thanks. I'll stick to my food." I smiled back at him, my nose scrunching in annoyance.
The lunch went quiet at that. I can appreciate an attercop that knows when to back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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