Persuasive Teen.

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With headphones tight against his black hair, Zelo scribbled lyrics in his notebook as he bobbed his head back and forth. He spent most of his spare time writing rap lyrics alone in his room. Tonight was the night that Zelo's mother invited her friend, and son over for dinner, and Zelo was most definetly not excited. "Junhong ya! Are you dressed? They will be here any minute!" Zelo's mother called from the kitchen downstairs.
Rolling his eyes, Zelo rose up from his desk chair and kicked his bed frame, proving that he is just your typical moody teenager. Plonking down the stairs, headphones still intact, he made his way to the foot of the staircase when the doorbell rang. Zelo's mother zoomed across the room and opened the door quickly, greeting her guests with a bright smile and a warm hug. Zelo, still at the foot of the stairs, stared at the engagement that was happening in front of him. His eyes wandered over the two people carelessly, but quickly went back for another glance when he noticed a very handsome young man. His dark hair brushed his face lightly as he took of his coat. His eyes made perfect crescents as he smiled. Eye contact occurred for several seconds between both men, but the older tore his gaze away and composed his posture, looking flustered.
'Well this was unexpected. I didn't think he would be this attractive' Zelo thought to himself as he felt saliva pool in his mouth before he gulped it down, 'No, not attractive. Dead sexy.'
"Junghong, come down and introduce yourself please." A smirk found its way spreading across his lips as he spoke "Zelo. The names Zelo."
"Yongguk." Spoke the elder in a husky voice with a slight nod. These words, like magic, began tickling Zelo's bulge.
At the dinner table, an array of food was laid out in front of them, the aroma filling everyone's noses. Zelo's eyes stalked the elder as they both ate, creating uncomfortable friction between the two boys.
"So, hyung" The word 'hyung' rang in Yongguk's head, as his member began to tingle, "What do you do? For work, that is."
Yongguk answered by explaining that he was currently studying music in college, but found that he could not look at the young boy who was sitting from across the table. His mind wandered to dark places, but as he tried to push them out, his eyes made their way back to the maknae. Zelo was practically eye fucking Yongguk by this point, and it was driving the elder mad. Picking up his fork, Yongguk began shoving food in his mouth, in attempt to distract himself by the insanely sexy young boy.
Zelo was bored, he wanted to do something fun, something rebellious. He stretched out his long leg and brushed his foot against Yongguk's, causing the elder to shoot him a surprised look. Zelo began inching his way up his hyung's leg, past his calf, up to his thigh, past his thigh.... His slender foot made contact with Yongguk's already erect member which caused the elder to jolt, and then adjust himself, hoping no one noticed. But Zelo did not stop here, he began rubbing his foot up and down Yongguk's length, getting faster and faster. Yongguk bit his lip, desperate to stop himself from moaning, that would be mortifying, he thought.
Edging closer and closer to release, Yongguk began gripping the side of the table until his knuckles became white. Zelo noticed this and abruptly stopped his movements, which caused Yongguk to protest. A slight growl came from Yongguk's lips as he sat up an inch off of his seat, before sitting back down and apologizing, adjusting his crotch.
No one else at the table seemed to notice what occurred during dinner, (or more like what didn't occur) and continued on with the night as normal. Zelo's mother sat up from her seat grabbing her plate, and began stacking the guests plates, but at that moment Zelo rose from his chair and spoke "No. Yongguk and I will clean up after dinner. You can continue to talk as we get the table cleared." Yongguk looked up at the tall maknae and licked his lips, before shaking it away and standing up to help. Feeling a rot in his mind, yongguk suddenly became aware of what he was doing. 'He's just a boy. What the fuck am I doing? Be more mature.' He became drowned in his own thoughts,
Both boys stood in the kitchen alone, stacking the dishwasher when a husky whisper was heard from Yongguk, "Why did you do that? How old are you even? You know that that could have been completely disastrous! Stupid boy." Yongguk spoke in a husky whisper then shook his head as he bent down and continued to stack the dishwasher.
Zelo spoke up, "But hyung. You let me do it. You wanted it. You still want it, don't you?" Zelo's voice was also a whisper, which made the elder boy's heart pound.
"Your just a boy." Yongguk sighed.
"No hyung. I'm not just a boy. I'm a boy, that you want." Zelo's voice became more erotic, purposely to persuade his hyung. Taking slow steps toward Yongguk, Zelo's body brushed against his. He breathed onto Yongguks bare neck as he reached out his hand, and stroked the elders erection through his thick jeans. A deep moan escaped his lips before Yongguk hit Zelo's hand away and stepped back.
"Hyung." Zelo breathed the words slowly, he always knew how to get what he wanted.
Yongguk clasped Zelo's hand and lead him out the door and into Zelo's room, closing the door urgently behind him. Their lips made contact, as their hands explored each others body.
"Quickly. We can't be doing this for long. We shouldn't even be doing it at all." But it was too late now, Zelo had made Yongguk his, and there was no way Zelo was done with his hyung.
Yongguk aggressively pushed the tall maknae onto the bed and kisses him passionately. Their tongues fought for dominance, exploring every single inch of each others mouths.
They were both naked in less than a minute, it was so heated, the room felt stuffy, as if it had been a hot day.
Yongguk grinded his erection on Zelo's, creating beautiful friction that sent them both mad.
"Do you have anything?" Yongguk asked, sounding desperate, and ready to tear the maknae's insides apart.
"The top drawer." Spoke a whining Zelo, who was being tortured by the sexiness of Yongguks voice.
Lathering up his long and girthy member, Yongguk moaned at the sensation, as Zelo got working on his hole. Lubricated and ready, Yongguk positioned his erection at Zelo's tight ass. Thrusting inside with a grunt, Zelo cried out in pain and covered his face with a pillow so no one could hear. It was so difficult for Yongguk to keep still, all he wanted was to fuck Zelo dry, but he knew that Zelo needed time to adjust to his size.
"Move." Zelo demanded with a nod. "Fuck me now." And with that, the elder pulled out until only his tip was inside, and then thruster back with force. Still in pain, Yongguk sucked at Zelo's hard nipples to distract the maknae from the pain.
Loud shrieks shortly turned into moans of pleasure as Yongguk rocked his hips back and forth. The elders face became writhed in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes clenched shut. Yongguk paused for a second, panting heavily, which earned a whine from Zelo. Grabbing Zelo's leg, he positioned it around his shoulder and started his movemenrs again, this time, going deeper. Each move send the maknae screaming, as Yongguks hard member, hit his prostate with every move.
Yongguks hips rocked back and forth, making the bed shake and the boy grip onto his toned abs, digging his fingernails into the flesh. Muffled cries of ecstasy and skin slapping against skin filled the room.Zelo was close, his face began to screw up and his moans came more frequent. The moans became quiet, and all that could be hard was skin slapping, as Yongguk felt the knot in his stomach release as he spilled his fluids inside Zelo. They both cried out as they reached their orgasms, Zelo's cum squirting all over his pale chest. Erotic faces and heavy breathing is all the boys could do at this point. Yongguk leant down and kissed Zelo passionately as soon as he could get his head straight. They lay side by side as their chests rise and fall, still calming down from their highs.
Yongguk rose from the bed and quickly dressed himself, trying to brush of all evidence of what had just occurred. About to walk out the door, he turned back to look at the boy who was still lying naked on the bed. Yongguk felt a sense of guilt, he didn't want to leave Zelo alone like that. He cared for the boy, as much as he tried to hide it.
"Hyung. Take me with you. Don't leave me here, in this house. Take me with you, show me a better life."
Yongguk's heart pounded in his sweaty chest, he wanted so desperately to say yes, but he knew that he couldn't. Yongguk turned his head away from the beautiful boy and faced the door. His mouth uttered the words "I'm sorry. I can't" and walked out the door without looking back.

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