The blonde boy had been sitting in the waiting room for several minutes.He hypnotized the door that separated him from his beloved brunette boyfriend. The one of them no and no get along He nervously stamped his foot and clenched his hands fist When the door finally swung wide open, Daniel had a small smile on his face. Just like there always had.
,,So what? What did he tell you?"
He began to ask one question after another. The green eye interrupted him with his index finger on the brunette's lips.
"I'm going to have surgery. The tumor is not big, it should be easy to operate on."
Daniel left out the bad news that his cancer was already in a worse stage. Callum had to smile. He was so happy that Dan didn't give up. He hated him for how selfish he could be. He hated him for smoking and ruining his health. He hated him for stealing his heart and loved him unconditionally through it all.
Why do you care?
Teen Fiction[ COMPLETE ] "It'll kill you someday." "I know." "Then why are you doing it?" "Why do you care so much?"