Episode 18

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Taehyun knew what he had gotten himself into when he confessed that he likes Beomgyu too

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Taehyun knew what he had gotten himself into when he confessed that he likes Beomgyu too. But he never thought it would be so easy to say it out in that moment but so difficult now that Beomgyu's pestering him to say it again.

"Can you say it again? I was so sick that I-" Beomgyu pauses in between his sentence to cough violently, "couldn't properly register it. Pretty please, Taehyun?"

Taehyun sighs for the umpteenth time and opens his mouth to speak, "I... Li..li-"

He stops and looks at the older, who's looking back at him with so much anticipation in his eyes. Beomgyu's cute. But Taehyun's fucking embarrassed and he just can't bring himself to say those three simple words. "I like licorice," he says instead.

"No you don't!" Beomgyu frowns.

"I don't..." Taehyun admits and tears a chicken drumstick into small pieces before feeding the older some like a mother would do for her sick child.

"Ugh..." Beomgyu groans as he chews on the tender chicken and drinks some soup afterwards. "I feel so shit."

"No kidding" Taehyun snorts, "are you sure you don't want to go to the doctors?"

"It's fine. I'm 99% sure it's just a cold. My stress just lowered my immune system, that's all" the long haired man reassures and smiles at Taehyun. "You're so cute. Looking at you alone can boost my immune system and I'll recover in no time."

Taehyun wants to bite back, but he reminds himself to hold back. So instead, he tries a different approach. One that he didn't know he could do. It just came out naturally, which shocked both himself and Beomgyu (and the editing team who's watching later... and maybe the ghost residing in the corner of the room/j).

"You're cuter. Looking at you gives me serotonin boost."

Beomgyu almost faints. Almost. His face heats up immensely and he feels super light headed. "I think I'm having a high fever now."

Taehyun knows that this isn't a game, but he feels like he had won. He managed to counter back and cause Beomgyu to be this red. That's a win right? No matter how cringey and cheesy they both were.

"Come on big boy, finish the soup" Taehyun urges with a spoonful of soup ready for Beomgyu.

"It feels a little weird" Beomgyu says after drinking it from the spoon, "you being like this. But I like it and I think it suits you."

"Whatever you say" Taehyun looks away, clearly still not used to everything and feeling embarrassed.

"Is it suffocating for you?"

"Not really" the younger answers truthfully. "I thought it'd be super uncomfortable but this isn't so bad. I think I can manage."

"Wahhh, you've really grown" Beomgyu smiles endearingly at him before coughing again.

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