getting the chance of leaving hell..literally

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A couple days later

2 days before leaving the island

After a couple of days since the incident, Ana was even more protective of Dizzy, and she wouldn’t let her out of her sight, not even for a split second. A scar is now forming on Ana’s right cheek. It hurts a little but it’s nothing new to her. As she’s grown up with the abuse that her grandmother inflicted on her and Dizzy. 

“Hey, look, it's four dweebs babysitting my sister.” Was the infamous voice of Anthony Tremaine who is Ana’s infamous brother.

“Anthony, what do you want?” Jay asks, annoyed at seeing him, as he wants Anthony to leave.

“Um it’s my house and you dweebs are invading it, so scurry to your mommies and daddies.” Anthony says as Ana is protectively behind Mal and Jay.

“Let’s go.” Mal says getting annoyed and that no one didn’t second guess anything and they all walked out. Evie has Dizzy knowing what is going to happen in the first place anyway knowing that Ana won’t be coming back to Curl Up and Dye.

“What about the salon? Granny says I’m not supposed to leave.”  Dizzy says as Evie has a tight grip on her hand as no one trusts anyone on the island.

“She’ll be fine.” Eve says as Ana couldn’t help but agree.

Two days later
(the day that they leave)

So when Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are terrorizing the citizens of the island, Dizzy and Ana are enjoying their time at a cafe on the island. As they don’t typically ‘terrorize’ the citizens, they just sit on the sidelines eating rotten and stale food.

Mal stood in front of a large red door. At this very moment, she was spray painting a black figure that resembled her mother. 'Long Live Evil' was painted over the figure in bold green letters. She sprayed the finishing touches on her art and began to sing.

Mal: They say I’m trouble
They say I’m bad
They say I’m evil
And that makes me glad

A boy with an athletic build stood on an overhang. He was wearing a colorful leather jacket along with a pair of dark blue jeans, and he also wore a red beanie.

Jay: A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can’t take me home

A girl with dark blue hair was flirting with a teen. Almost her entire outfit was blue except for her black skirt and her pair of leggings that were a black and gray pattern.

Evie: So I’ve got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love

Another boy was running through a marketplace. He had snow-white hair and wore a two-toned white and red leather jacket. He also wore a pair of black and white shorts with a pair of brown boots.

Carlos: They think I’m callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless

Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos: Misunderstood

Mal and Evie: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world

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