apparently there's a thing called family day...yeah don't go to that...ever

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Family Day

After Ben and a couple of other students were done singing the remake of Be Our Guest everyone cheered for them and the students that were singing went to their respective parents.

Carlos and Jay were by the chocolate fondue fountain and they were dipping strawberries into the chocolate as Charleigh, Ana, and Dizzy couldn’t help but smile at seeing the two. Mal took a strawberry and ate it as she smiled at the taste of the sweet fruit.

“This is pretty.” Dizzy says as she too takes a strawberry and dips it into the chocolate.

Then at the corner of Charleigh’s eye she saw that Ben, Belle and Beast were taking a family picture, and then she saw Mal walking towards them.

When Jay sees Charleigh he kisses her cheek which makes her giggle as he hands her a strawberry.

A couple of minutes later, Queen Leah who is Aurora’s mother walks towards Mal.

“Hello there.” Queen Leah says to Mal and she turns around slightly confused on who the woman is.

“Hi.” Mal replies to the woman as she has a smile on her face.

Charleigh walks towards the two as she’s standing next to Mal.

“Have we met?” Queen Leah asks Mal as she shakes her head no at the woman to remain respectful and kind.

“No, actually Mal is new as she’s a transfer student.” Charleigh says as she’s slightly gripping Mal’s shoulder to calm down her nervousness.

“Grammy.” Audrey says as she stands next to her grandmother as the older woman smiles at seeing her granddaughter.

“Grammy?” Mal asks, confused of what was just said, as the two turn to the purple and blonde haired girls.

“That’s Audrey’s grandmother and Aurora’s mother.” Charleigh whispers to Mal as the purple haired girl nods her head.

“Sleeping beauty’s mother.” Audrey says as Mal nods her head as Audrey turns back to her grandmother. “Grammy I don’t think you want to be talking to these girls. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap.” 

Queen Leah turns to Mal then her eyes widen as she thinks that Mal is Maleficent but younger.

“What? You! How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?” Queen Leah shouts as a crowd begins to draw in, including Ana, and Dizzy and the rest of the Vks.

“Queen Leah, it’s okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don’t you remember Ben’s proclamation to give the new generation a second chance.” Charleigh says to the now angry grandmother.

“A chance at what, Charleigh? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don’t you? The poison apple, and the spells. My daughter…was raised by fairies because of your mother’s curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all! You mustn’t trust them.”

“Their children are innocent and you're just being a jerk for not understanding that their children aren't evil like them.” Charleigh snaps at the grandmother which gets ‘oo’s from the crowd that's surrounding them.

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