For You | chapter 9

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"Take his bitch have ha swallow my semen"

DDs pov

happy birthday ml

i sighed at the sight of the message as i finished getting ready for school. i guess i never really noticed how delusional she was until we were broken up foreal.

it's honestly sad to see but i'm don't letting ha manipulate me no more that shit dayroom.

i finished putting on my outfit for my birthday which is the best part about my birthday these days. ion really care about being 16.

"so what we doin after school" i asked notti. it had been awkward last night when we got home after our argument.

then this morning when he woke me up it was normal again. except the nigga had a free excuse to literally beat my ass. i swear the nigga uses all his strength for my birthday licks.

and i know he do cause he be tired as hell after. breathing hard as hell. then got the nerve to pinch me at the end.

who invented that abusive ass tradition.

"we goin to e house he havin a kick back for you." notti said spraying cologne.

i groaned. "look man i love e but his sister is starting to urk my nerves" i said grabbing my phone off the charger.

"the girl don't even look your way unless you speak to her" notti defended her. "see there you go defending her again" i pointed at him as we walked out the house.

my moms goes to work early so i won't see her til later on. "there you go talking about her for no reason. name one thing she's done to you unprovoked since y'all met" he said walking to the stair case.

"she-" i paused. "the time when-" i paused again realizing i did something first in those scenarios.

"she- she what? she pushed you out of the way of bullets? she defended your relationship when we made fun of you? she moved out of 'your seat' in her house?! she let you stay at her house while she napped? she let you talk bad about her while she continues to be mature about it?is that what she did? is that why you don't like her?" notti finished letting his attitude progress through his speech.

i stayed quite as we reached the bottom of the flight of stairs. i didn't say a word as we met ddot in the lobby. we walked out the building walking down the street towards school.

the only thing heard was cars passing.

i couldn't stop thinking about what notti said. no matter what i do he always defends mel. i have never seen him defend no one like he does her.

i feel like we should get a second opinion. "ddot." i said turning my head towards him. "wassgood my heart" he said with low eyes.

this nigga stay high. "don't you think melody is annoying" i said.

notti aggressively smacked his teeth mumbling curses under his breath. "you still on this muddy?"ddot asked.

"why can't you just admit you like her" he shook his head. "cause i dont" i stressed. "she's mad weird" i added.

"how is she mad weird? cause she's not loud? cause she not a hoe ready to open her legs for you? cause she a homebody? cause she goes to school? cause she likes reading? cause she likes boy drip? cause she got shoe game? cause she not rude?" ddot defended her.

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