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? Pov

  You know, when I died I expected to stay dead, not wake up in a white endless void as a skeleton. I'm not sure how long I was in that endless white void just wondering around but it was long enough for my memories to start to fade. Actually I barley have my memories at all, I know I used to have them but I can't remember them at all.

Well, that's not actually true. I can faintly recall them but nothing definite. I continued to wonder around my little void space before something new happened. I felt, something enter my white void but I couldn't see anyone or anything.  I walked around to see if it appeared in a different area but nope, I couldn't find whatever or whoever it was.

I almost thought I was going insane but I felt like somebody was watching me so I know I wasn't going crazy. For a while I just walked around while someone or something watched me, wondering just who was watching me. Eventually they stopped hiding, sort of.

"Creator, I am the Deity known as Fate" Yeah, apparently the person who came into my white void didn't have a body and that's why I couldn't see them. I also have a bad feeling, but I can't really do anything about it. I mean, even if I tried they don't have a body so... Basically I'm screwed.

"Eventually you are going to create my multiverse for me. However as you are now you are much to weak" Okay, I'm going to what now? How the fuck am I supposed to create a multiverse? Also what's this about me being weak? I'm literally a skeleton who used to be a human of course I'm weak, it's not like I have magic or something.

"Untill I deem you strong enough you are going to be training non-stop. No if's, and's or but's" Yeah, I'm screwed aren't I? Do I really have to listen to this bitch though? It's not like she's my Mother or something. I could just not do as she says, I already died once so what's a second time dying?

1 week later

Okay so apparently I do have to do what the bitch says otherwise she'll break all of my bones. Which let me tell you, hurt like nothing I've ever felt before. Moving on from that topic, I found out I have magic! It's honestly really fucking cool and fun to mess around with.

Also when Fate said training non-stop she ment it. I haven't had a single moment to rest, not even after she broke my bones, which she refuses to heal. Only thing she did for them was make it so that they'll always heal correctly so there is that I guess.

Anyways back to me having magic! I found out that my Magic color was rainbow, and that I didn't actually have 1 magic color but a whole bunch! It's actually pretty cool and I love to mess around with it, even if it pisses Fate off to no end since that means I'm not listening to her.

All in all I guess it's not the worst situation to be in. I get to have magic that I can explore while I have to deal with the bratty Deity. Now that I think about it, Fate has been acting like a kid so maybe she is? Either way I don't really care. It doesn't excuse her behaviour at all. Here's to hoping she grows out of her behaviour....

1 Year later

Fate has not grown out of her behaviour and in fact I think she's gotten worse. She lashes out at me, damaging my body if I get the slightest thing wrong. At this point I've become kinda numb to the pain, used to it almost. She's like a kid who's always gotten her way and is now being told 'No' for the first time.

It's both amusing and annoying if I'm being honest. Watching er, listening to her behaving like a spoiled child. I was honestly surprised I hadn't died yet to her tantrums though, at least I was untill she told me I'm immortal which would explain a whole lot.

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