Next To You

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Summary: Harry and Louis are 100% certain that Larry shippers think that their relationship is nothing but love and sex. Well, that's not the case. It's mostly about sleep.

;Or a short one shot of Larry snuggles and kisses and spooning and sleep.

[Author Note: this is dedicated to BlankLaughter. I hope you like it^_^]


Larry shippers have it all wrong when it comes to Harry and Louis.

Apparently, Larry's relationship is nothing but love and sex. Yes, big sweaters are mentioned. And yes, chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in paramaham, and a side of homemade mash is mentioned as well(a lot). But the thing that Larry shippers do not realize is that sleep is the second most important thing in the Larry relationship; what with all of the touring and the long hours.  Plus, sleep is when Harry and Louis can spend quality time together. No noise, no fans, no Liam and Niall...just silence and, of course, Harry and Louis.

The couple is always anxious to dive into their shared bed on the tour bus, or in a certain hotel, and take turns being the big spoon and little spoon(Louis being the big spoon most likely).

That's just how it goes for them. Sleeping with each other is what they love to do. No pun intended(it was intended).


"You tired, love?" Louis turned his attention from the game he was playing against Niall and looked down at the curly lad who was leaning his head against his shoulder.

Harry nodded his head and rubbed his right eye with his long fingers, yawning in the cutest way possible. Louis always found Harry most adorable when he got tired.

Louis paused the game and set the controller down beside him on the couch he was sitting on; ignoring Niall's annoyed chants.

"What ya do that for?" Niall groaned, Liam laughing from where he was seated on the floor.

"Oh, shut up you tit. H is knackered and we're going to bed. Is that a problem?" Louis sassed as he held Harry by his waist when he pulled him up from the sofa, walking with the lanky boy to the back of the bus and to their shared bunk.

"It is a problem!" Niall retaliated out to Louis.

"No one cares!" Louis shouted back, turning towards his sleepy boyfriend. " Alright, love. Up ya get."

Harry, in all his drowsy glory, climbed up into the top bunk and scooted all the way towards the wall, making sure to give Louis enough room. Even if there wasn't enough room for both men, they would still make it work.

Louis followed right behind Harry, closing the curtain behind him and looking at Harry, his green eyes closed and his pink lips separated as they let out little puffs of air. He was so pretty, and Louis will always be more than happy to say that about his love. "Harry?" he whispered, running his hand down the side of Harry's face.

"Hm?" Harry grunted out, half asleep.

"Wanna be my little spoon?"

A small smile came upon Harry's lips," always."


All Louis asked was for Harry to run a simple bath for the two of them as soon as they got to the hotel. He wanted to rest his nerves and aching limps from the previous concert they just preformed, so a bath with Harry seemed reasonable enough.

But no. A nice simple bath was something Harry obviously did not approve of.

"Harry, I asked for you to run a bath, not run a bath with candles and rose petals everywhere in the loo," Louis told Harry as he stood, shocked, in the doorway of the bathroom. Harry had scattered various amounts of vanilla scented candles around the tube, the glow from the lit objects making the room slightly brighter. There were also rose petals everywhere Louis glanced, the aroma of them making Louis' heart melt.

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