I - What Are These Feelings?

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Ever since the events in the Chasm, I couldn't stop thinking about Aether. I didn't know why at first, but I would soon find out. I was never too familiar to the feeling of love. Aether was the only person that I wanted to actually experience it with. I had never known what happened to those who were in love. So when I fell in love with Aether, I hadn't known right away. I would soon later find out about what a wild adventure this whole experience would be.

It started with me wanting to see him again. I didn't know why at first. I just wanted to feel the warm embrace of his body in my arms. I started blushing whenever I thought about him. He made me feel safe. And if he was going to make me feel safe, I wanted to make him feel safe as well. Aether meant the world to me.

I never was really sure if Aether felt this same fuzzy, warm feeling that I was feeling for him, for me too. All I hoped was that he did. And that he would accept my confession. Or maybe even confess to me.

I started to fantasize about Aether's lips meeting mine. His beautiful lips. Him and I kissing under the starry night skies. Nobody able to stop us from loving each other as much as we did. Yet these were just fantasies, and not real.  I realized that it would never become real. Why would Aether even love someone like me? Someone as aggressive and hostile as me? I wish I was a normal and kind person. So Aether could actually see something in me. Something beautiful, like I saw in him.

I get butterflies just thinking about his beautiful face. Did he think that I was beautiful, too? I really hoped so. If it ever came to the day that I found out he didn't actually love me, I would cry through days and through nights. It would be hard for me to forget about it. Forget about the fact that he didn't accept my confession. Forget about the fact he loved somebody else. If any of those things happened, I would never be ever to look him in the eye ever again.

How do I stop? How do I stop feeling these weird and fuzzy feelings? Well there was no way. At least for me. If there was some way to find out whether Aether liked me or not without having to fear of embarrassment and breaking down right in front of him, I probably would've considered doing it. After all, it was one of the biggest fears. Having Aether see me completely heartbroken right in front of him. I didn't want to feel bad for me at all. Or make fun of me for it.

Well I guess you could say that there was one way to find out if Aether liked me or not without having to go through all of that... And all I needed for that would be a wingman. But where would I get one? But they would find me before I could find them.,\

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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