A Little Better

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"LULU! LUMINE!!" Blue pressed his hands to where the portal was, panicking. But Cimmarian was panicking more. Her sister, her only friend, had just been kidnapped right before her eyes. Yellow tears started to steam out of her sockets as she started to hyperventilate, dropping to her knees as she tightly grabbed her dark blue shirt. "C-CIMMARIAN!" Blue gulped and crawled over to his remaining daughter, pulling her close. "It's ok, sh, sh, it's ok CiCi.." She was struggling to breathe. "L-L-Lu-" Blue brushed her tears away, or at least tried to. "We will get her back, just breathe, breathe for me CiCi." She tried to do as her mother asked, but all the negative thoughts and worst cases clouded her mind, LuLu would know what to do if she was here. Then something penetrated her dark thoughts. A reassurance that everything would be ok. A knock sounded at the door. "J-just stay behind me, Cimmarian..." Blue helped her to her feet and they slowly walked to the door as a knock sounded again. Blue grabbed an arrow from his quiver on his way over. Cimmarian tightened her grib as her mommy swung the door open.


Dream sure as hell got a surprise as he jumped away from the arrow that Blue nearly impaled him with. The other was equally surprised. "D-Dream?! You too-" Blue nudged something behind him and they, the large source of negativity he was feeling, spoke up. Her voice was quiet and shaky. "H-he feels l-like h-her... L-Lumine.." Blue nudged her again and they both backed up so Dream could come in. Dream watched Blue direct the yellow eyed negative child to the bed. "That's because he is one of your father's." Blue replied as he put the arrow back in its quiver. "one of- wait both of us-" Dream started. "Yeah. You and Nightmare both took advantage and now he's taken one of my daughters from me." Dream did not recognize this Blue as he grabbed a bow and the quiver, along with a dagger. "wait, wait, where are you going?!" Blue didn't miss a beat. "I'm getting Lumine back, obviously. Horror took her from me and Cimmarian and I need her back." The little girl's- Cimmarian's- eyelights shrank. "Y-you're going to get her...? What if you get hurt..?"


Cimmarian's mind was a mess. Her sister was gone, there was a stranger that her mommy was calling her father here, and her mommy was likely going to a dangerous place where he could probably get hurt to get Lumine back. "hold on blue, think for a minute! i know you just lost one of your daughters, but you still have another to take care of. we need to plan how to get her back. you can't do it alone.." There was truth to her daddy's words. She looked at her mommy as her mommy looked back at her. "What do you suggest then?" Blue finally said, moving to sit next to Cimmarian, who happily took to clinging to him, scared and anxious. "... i could try to contact ink, there's no garentee if he'll actually come though. since you left, the star sanses fell apart.." Cimmarian was hesitant, but grabbed her daddy's sun cape, she liked his sun cape. Dream looked at her, startled. She gave him a shaky smile. A feeble attempt at reassurance. He smiled back. "we will get your sister back, cimmarian." She really did feel reassured because it felt like something LuLu would do. They'd get LuLu back.

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