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On the Beach, Hamptons

June 28th (continued)

As Sara bent forward to kiss him, he knew he had to put an end to it before it was too late. He didn't love her any more, and it would be unfair to lead her to belief that he still had feelings. But it was crazy how his body was still reacting when he was near to her. As if his mind was separated from his body. Gently he pushed her away before she could place her lips on his.

"I think it's better to go back to the others," he said with a husky voice.

"But I've felt that you want it, too," she breathed softly, placing her hand around his neck to pull him closer to her.

"Sara..." He removed her arms from his neck and stepped back. "I don't want to hurt you." But that was exactly what he had done, as he realized now, when he looked into her tearful hazel eyes.

"It's because of Emily, am I right?" She asked softly.

He didn't know how to reply to that. Actually, he wasn't really sure about anything at all. Emily's lies had destroyed something in him. And he didn't know if he could ever trust her again. The basis of every working relationship. But he also had admitted to himself that he missed her. It was a tricky situation. He couldn't live with but also not without her.

"I understand if you need time," Sara said knowingly. "The two of you haven't been separated for so long. I'm ready to wait for you until the divorce is final."

His head jerked up. Had he missed something? What had given her the idea that the two of them would become a couple again and that he wanted to get a divorce? Suddenly the truth dawned upon him. It was his mother's doing. She had talked about him to Sara.

"You're afraid of the gossip when they see us together because they think you're cheating on your wife. Is it so?" Sara continued. "I totally get that. They don't know the truth about your marriage. We should keep our relationship a secret."

He nodded automatically because the growing lump in his throat prevented him from speaking. And when he heard that a familiar voice called his name, he was so relieved that he wanted to sink into the sand. "It's Charlotte," he shouted, turning away from Sara and running towards his sister. "Save me!" He begged her.

Charlotte frowned at his strange remark, but played along. "We're looking for you everywhere," she said, grabbing his arm. "Sorry," she said to Sara. "I didn't want to disturb you. But some of the guests want to leave and would like to say goodbye to Daniel."

He looked at Sara apologetically. "There you see. Duty calls." He was already on the move, as he turned around to her again. "Are you coming with us?" When she nodded and followed them, he hoped that she would remember what she had just told him. She wouldn't dare to seduce him in front of the guests!

The party was still in full swing when they reappeared, and Daniel was glad to be able to mingle with the other guests. But the peace didn't last long when Charlotte appeared next to him.

"Tell me more about what you and Sara had done outside?" She demanded.

"Nothing." He replied, clearing his throat. "We just talked."

"Really?" She put her hands on her hips and looked at him reproachfully. "Then I don't understand why Sara told me in confidence that you and her have a secret relationship?"

"What?" He looked at her incredulously. "She didn't actually say that!"

"Oh yes, and exactly with these words." She glared at him. "You know, I can imagine why she thinks that, just the way you flirted with her." She rolled her eyes.

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