Chapter 12

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"Y/n! I want to ride the Ferris Wheel!" your nephew excitedly requested, jumping on the ground from your hold.

After the surprised birthday dinner you had at the apartment, which you found out Wanda had arranged, your brother announced that the family would visit the newly opened carnival in town. The rain had stopped since the afternoon. And the kids were too excited to accept no as an answer, inviting you and Wanda both to spend time along with them, another hours of pretending. There was still hesitation in you, knowing just an hour ago you were having a breakdown, and you couldn't handle acting out like you were okay.

But Wanda nodded and agreed. So you did too.

You kneeled to the ground and measured your nephew's height, pursing a thin smile. "Mmm, nice try, buddy, you're not allowed to ride the Ferris Wheel yet."

"That sucks," he sighed with pouted lips, earning a chuckle from the brunette beside you, who was carrying your niece in her arms. To others, you and Wanda looked like a perfect couple hanging out with your two small kids. But they didn't see your sister-in-law queueing for the cotton candies that her kids want. And your brother and dad chatting about some business stuff.

"Y/n! I want a unicorn!" Your niece's hand was pointing at the unicorn stuff toys hanging by the walls at a nearby game booth Bust-a-Balloon.

"Oh, come on, those games are really scam, they're just gonna take your money," you explained, shrugging your shoulders.

"Why? Are you scared to lose?" Wanda taunted, her lips turned into a smirk as she gazed at you with eyes that spoke challenge.

You didn't think it would come from the brunette's mouth as you then mocked a reply.

"No, I'm not," you defended.

This urged the kids to start a battle between you and Wanda, as they shouted in tandem. "Fight! Fight!"

It was a fun activity, even when Wanda was complaining the entire time that the darts weren't sharp enough for those type of balloons they used and you saying that it was just the way how carnival works. But you had managed to win a prize for the kids when you tried the Basketball Free Throw game afterwards.

Wanda was having the time of her life with the children, especially with your niece who didn't want to climb off the woman's arms. You pretended it was okay, that you two were okay, but you knew then that she was trying to participate with your family as you were.

As you stared at Wanda laughing with them, scrunching her nose as she lightly pinched your niece's adorable cheek when she made a corny joke about ice cream, you were falling even more in love with her. You realized then that that was love.

Love isn't supposed to be all selfish. Sometimes, it was accepting that you'd do anything just to make them happy. And if Wanda going back to her own universe, back to Vision, would make her happy, you should fully support that.

"Where were you earlier?" The brunette's voice brought you back to the present, stepping in beside you as she handed you a cup of cold drink.

The kids were finally out of your grasps as they went to ride the Carousel with their parents.


"You were all drenched and dirty," she explained, not meeting your eyes as she took a sip from her drink.

It took you a while before answering. "I went to see my mother..." She didn't need to know what happened afterwards.

There was another long pause after that, when you could hear Wanda sigh.

a sad witch and a broken dame (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now