chapter 8. baby check up

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Time skip cause we all know that morning sickness is the same

Draco was don't with his morning sickness now comes mood swings (stages of pregnancy are morning sickness, mood swings/swelling, food cravings, and then finally the brith) Harry was happy (and so was Draco) that the morning sickness was over they were seating on the couch watching a movie Draco was semi smiling but with tries in his eyes
Harry: are u ok
Draco: stupid hormones (sniffs)
Harry: don't we have an appointment today
Draco: yes we do to check the baby
Harry: when do we see the gender
Fred: at the end of the 2nd trimester
George: I was happy to find out the gender of our little one it was/is a girl (she was/is a student at Hogwarts) we named her Ginny she's a 1st year here
Harry: oh yeah I've seen her around she probably doesn't even know what we are cause she doesn't make fun of us
Draco: I would like to meet her maybe we could be friends with her
Fred: I will go get her (leaves the room)
They came back a few minutes later a little/small girl was behind Fred
George: come here baby girl I would like u to meet ur uncle and his boyfriend
Ginny: ( slowly walks over to George)
Harry: hi Ginny I'm ur uncle and this is my boyfriend Draco
Ginny: (waves shyly at them)
Draco: (smiles and let's a tear fall)
Fred: are u ok Draco
Draco: yeah I'm fine (sniffs) it's nice to meet u Ginny
Ginny: (slowly walks over to Draco) don't cry Draco
Draco: I don't want to but I can't help it
Ginny: (looks at George)
George: he is like me baby girl
Ginny: (puts her hand on his stomach)
Fred: that's right hon he's expecting
Draco: do u have any classes with us cause I've only seen u in the great hall
Ginny: I do have some classes with u guys but I seat in the back
Harry: oh yeah I have seen/heard u but I didn't know ur name till now

A few hours later
Ginny fell asleep in Fred's lap
Draco and Harry were getting ready for the doctor appointment
Draco: ok I'm ready
Harry: me too let's go
They walk under the cloake so no one would see them and make more fun of them
They made it to the hospital wing and uncloaked
Headmaster: hi boys
Draco: (smiles) we are her for the 3rd month appointment
Headmaster: ok let's go to the last bed
They walked there and Draco sat down then pulled his shirt up
Headmaster: now I'm going to put this gel on ur stomach it's going to be cold
Draco: I'm ready
Headmaster: (puts the gel on Draco's stomach) let's see ur baby (moves the wand thing around Draco's stomach) ok I see a head and little legs to small for the toes and fingers to grew yet when they do u will fell movement in ur stomach and maybe some tiny kicks at first then the kicks will become more and more painful throughout the pregnancy
Draco: when we will know the gender of the baby
Headmaster: next month or the 5th month of pregnancy
Harry: is there anything else we should now
Headmaster: at the rate of growth it looks like right now ur baby is going to be a little people but we will see in the 6th month of pregnancy if it will be
Draco: (sniffs) thanks headmaster
Headmaster: ur welcome (cleans off Draco's stomach) how many pics do u want
Draco: (sat up) 5 please
Headmaster: 5 it is I will be right back
Harry: why 5 pics
Darco: one for u 1 for Ron 1 for Hermione 1 for George and 1 for Fred
Harry: wow (sniffs) thanks babe
Draco: anything for u
Headmaster: here u go 5 pics. I want to see u back next month then we might be able to see the gender
Draco: thanks. Can't wait till then

They walk back to the Gryffindor common room where ginny was sleeping in Fred's lap
Draco: ( handed fred and George there pics of the baby)
Feed and George: thanks but why
Draco: cause this baby will be ur niece or nephew I want u to be a part of there life
Fred: awe thanks Draco I would be honored
George: me too do I know the gender
Draco: not yet will soon though (yawns)
Harry: u can take a nap if u want
Draco: thanks (walks to there dorm room  and fell asleep as his head hit the pillow)

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