I'll always watch over you

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[WC: 4562]
hello! this is my story just cross posted! For anyone who's wondering :D
this is an AU- and kinda not... and again I started this at 12 pm (00:00) and probs won't finish it this night, but the next day maybe or If I even upload this... we'll see what happens- so if you're reading this it means I completed and uploaded this :)
idk yet how this will end bc I write completely random and no script thingy- so here warnings:
(T-M rated for language and general content)
character death/animal death
sad stuff
(I'm not good at drama so don't expect too much)
grammar mistakes maybe
(I'm german so my english isn't perfect)
reviews, such as hints of mistakes are highly welcomed as long as you keep it nice/friendly
please don't read this if you dislike hetalia and/or nekotalia just to write a bad comment/review
that doesn't help and isn't supportive at all /
alr ill stop talking and start writing now i guess
enjoy 3
(Quick info: cat names are nation names and for humans I used their human names- understandable I guess and at some point sounds weird-)
(I wanna say that the relation ship between the cats is more brother like than romantic bc I decided to make Romano younger- and that would be a bit weird if it was some romanic shvt...)
It was a beautiful day. A really nice one actually. A Saturday. Who wouldn't find a Saturday a nice, beautiful day? Nobody. Everybody likes Saturday. Even Romano. The day where everyone was at home. They'd be chilling inside, or spend their time on the small tomato fields or just in the garden. Antonio and Lovino would do their thing, like harvesting tomatoes, or laying in the grass somewhere, enjoying the Spanish summer sun shining down at them, the atmosphere and air being warm. Him and Spain would run around, playing and chasing eachother through the garden, sometimes disturbing their owners, but usually they didn't mind. Even Lovino found it quite funny sometimes. Romano enjoyed every second of the fun they had together. And it was fun to annoy the heck out of his big(ger) cat friend, Spain. Romano was younger than him, quite a bit- much younger. He was barely a teenager(in human years) and Spain was already "an old man", that's what he called him. That was kinda true, but Spain never took any offence when Romano called him names or, for a matter of facts, called him old.
But sadly, all good things come to an end eventually, don't they?
We all wish nice things to never end. But deep down we know that this wish will never be one to actually come true.
Romano experienced the same.
"You'll never catch me, you slow jerk!"
He meowed, challenging. It was another Saturday, the day where him and Spain would just run around and chase eachother, having fun within the process, sometimes laugh at the other, not offensively, and just chill and enjoy their cat life.
"Is that a challenge? Ohh mi amigo, you chose the wrong cat-"
Spain wanted to say, but Romano was already running, laughing at his 'slowness'. He let out a playful growl, before jumping after the other cat, closing the distance he had run between them. But Romano wasn't stupid. He knew the big, tan cat too well to get caught now. He made a sharp turn at the house edge, drifting off into the open area Antonio and Lovino used for camping in their own garden sometimes. Romano would've been caught by now a few months ago, but again, the Spanish cat that chased him wasn't good with his Zack Zack moves. Instead, he slipped, landing on his side. But that didn't keep him down long, and Romano wished he hadn't stopped to laugh at him. Now the younger was about to be tackled down, if he hadn't ducked down in just the right moment. Spain landed just about 30 cm away from him. Romano laughed again, his tail flicking around before he ran again. Spain chased after him quickly. This was their usual parkour and Romano still wondered why Spain hadn't learnt by now how he would react to things such as pounce, tackle and sprinting at him. It was as if they ran it new every Saturday. 'Maybe his brain is not cat-like- maybe it's small...' he had thought at some point. Maybe it has to do with him being old. God, Romano wished to never get a memory like Spain had. He abruptly stopped his thinking when he had to turn. That was close...! Wasnt Spain right behind him just a few moments ago..?
He waited for 10 seconds, before making his way back to where he came from. And man, he wished he didn't. Now he had to see the older cat, wobbly standing on all fours, panting, almost wheezing. And he secretly hoped it wasn't what it looked like. Stop the negativity! He had to help Spain!
Romano made a few big jumps until he stood near the other. He was still a bit out of breath, but not as bad as before.
"Hey,.. jerk?-"
Spains head abruptly shot up to face the kid- the answer was too quick.
"Romano- everything's just fine!.. I just had to catch my breath.. every now and then-"
"But you never had to before!"
Romano quickly hissed, not buying any of the excuse he was given. His ears were at the back of his head and just thinking about Spain lying to him while facing him made him dig his claws into the dry surface of the earth. The tan cat took a few deep breaths, before straightening himself again. He could still feel his heart beating fast.
"Romano, don't raise your voice like that please... I'm fine, it's normal for cats that are older to need breaks when they run a long time. C'mon now, let's see if we can get some pasta, eh?"
(not good cat food i know.)
Spain meowed cheerfully, almost back to his old self. Still, Romano didn't believe him. There was something, something he wasnt told. And it pissed him off. The train of thoughts ended when Spain gave him a small, how he called it, comfort lick, on his forehead.
"Hey! I don't like it when you do that-"
Romano hissed as he clawed at Spain... without his claws sheathed. And he was smaller than the other, so there was no possibility he'd hit his target.
"Damn you and your dumb heights!"
Frustrating. The tan cat laughed it of, giving Romano a small push back to the house.
"Sí? What is it, Lovi?"
"That's not my name, idiota... the little bastards are back."
Antonio sighed, smiling.
"Dont be so mean, Lovino. They're cute, just like you~"
He replied, putting his arms around Lovino. The other just muttered under his breath, leaning into the touch.
The Saturday ended. They'd watched a movie together, played a bit. Just had fun in general. Saturdays were the best.
Another Saturday. Sadly, Antonio had to work because his boss was shit and wanted him to suffer, so Lovino, Romano and Spain stayed home. But that was fine. Everything was okay. They could still have fun. They always did. It was a Saturday like any other...
"Catch me if you can, jerk bastard!"
"Noo Romano- you're turning into Lovino if you talk like that-!"
"I don't care--"
Romano meowed, sprinting off. Spain looked after him.
"I really am getting to old for this..."
He admitted, following the younger into the garden.
Romano was already miles ahead, which was quite normal sometimes, so he didn't mind at all. That was even better. Because if Spain didn't catch him within the afternoon, he'd call him "boss Romano" (this was random-). He didn't even have to win to earn that title, he already was the boss. But he still made the bet. Just for fun of course. And this bet was existing since Romano can remember. Frustrating. But he always brushed it off- beginner-luck, he'd say. While being lost in thoughts, he didn't see the wall he was running into. He ran about 3 minutes in the open area and crashed into the yellow wall with a thump. For a good 10 seconds, he was knocked out cold before coming back to his senses. He now waited for the worried "are you okay, Romano?"... he still had high hopes.
Still high hopes.
It'll come any second.
Cough... cough
Probably just Lovino choking on a tomato again. That really happened. Once a week. Maximum once.
But when he realised it didn't stop, his head went straight up, he himself being on him paws again, ready to jump onto the windowsill. But he only saw Lovino, seemingly asleep on the sofa while the TV was playing some gay TV show. 'How can he watch that...' Romano often wondered. His and Spains owners always watched this kind of shows, he didn't know why.
... maybe Antonio was back already- and just got a dry throat. ..., abruptly, Romano turned away from the window, jumping down, running the way he came straight back.
Heavy breathing. Cought racked through his body, shaky legs, unsteady, dizzy vision. Quiet cry's and meows, far away. Asking what's wrong, trying to help. He wanted to answer, really. Saying he was okay, nothing to worry, but he couldn't. Being close to lose consciousness, not able to take a deep breath, no oxygen left to answer. He had to safe what he had to stay awake. To be honest, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to fall asleep. But it was so hot outside, the air was hot, not breathable. Eventually, the quiet cry's grew more and more further away, until everything stopped.
What a good nap that was... so relaxing. Sadly, alone. His partner-- friend was at work, probably not getting a pause. But is was so warm, so beautiful. His wrist felt pierced. So relaxing- wait WHAT-
"What the crap- you little fur bastard-! What the crapolla do you think you're doing?!"
His cat hissed at him, pawing at his nose, Lovino just barely got a hold of him. 'What the fork is wrong with my cat' he thought angrily. He was being clawed at again. Lovino sat up, pretty annoyed, sitting his cat back to the ground.
"What the fork is you problem, little bastardo-"
His leg was being attacked. Small teeth biting through his jeans. He just let his cat do it.
Then he stopped, Romano was now sprinting towards the house door, meowing and hissing angrily. Oh- so Lovino had to follow... ah now it clicked in his mind.
"Alright you little rat, where do we go.."
And Romano disappeared, Lovino not fully awake, drowsily followed.
Everything was spinning around him. The world was spinning, making him dizzy. Faint voices... where they calling him? No, right? He was just sleeping. No need to worry...
Romano sprinted across the area, desperately looking for his friend, who was supposedly laying somewhere, coughing his lungs up. That's what it sounded like. Lovino stood in the middle of the garden, looking at his cat, confused. He was looking for something. And where was Antonio's damn cat- he was supposed to look after Romano.
Huh- Lovino looked for his cat now, having lost the little bastard when he was thinking. God, he hoped nothing had happened.
Still dizzy. World still spinning, darkness and... wetness?- his ear twitched... the voice again and... someone was nibbling on his ear. Who could.. Romano-? Escaping the world of darkness, he was met with brightness the moment he opened his eyes. Everything was blurry. A panicking voice filled with worry.
Romano meowed loudly, getting Lovinos attention. So he did what a normal cat owner would do when their cat wants to grab their attention.
Walk back inside and watch Tom and je--
Lovino made his way towards Romano, not so sure if he wanted to. It sounded like a pained meow. Lovino didn't want to see a hurt cat... not today- because for that level of emotion, he needed Antonio. And Antonio wasn't home.
"Oh shit..."
He muttered under his breath, speeding up his pace. With Spain laying on the low-cut grass and Romano desperately trying to wake him, he looked dead. And this whole scene was a nightmare in real life. Panic settled in his gut, worry adding extra pressure. Romano was nibbing on the other cats ear.
"Romano!- dont-"
He didn't want Spain's condition to worsen. Lovino got closer, hoping, praying to god the cat wasn't dead.
They world got a bit more clear. He could see Romano from the corner of his eye. And- Lovino? Aw, his little friend was worried about him. And man, he was feeling sleepy again. No! Don't fall asleep!.. but...
He felt a hand to his side, then someone caressing his cheek. It felt good. He purred at the touch. He could hear Lovino, probably worried too. So sweet of them. But he was fine, wasn't he? Yeah. He was.
Good, Spain was respondiing to touch. Romano meowed, giving his owner an unreadable look.
"Sí, I know- stay here-"
Lovino answered, still panicking, got his phone from his pockets, dialed the number he dialed the most.
"Hola? Quién e-"
"Antonio! Somethings wrong with your bastard cat-!"
"Qué?- what happened- is he alright?"
"I don't forking know what happened! I was inside and then-- just come here! No time for explaining, idiota!"
Beep... beep..
Did he just forking hang up- did Antonio just hang up on Lovino in such a situation?!
Lovino clutched his phone in his hand. He was alone now, beside Romano, but the cat couldn't really help.
"He's not gonna come back any faster if you keep scratching the door yknow?"
Lovino scoffed, his cat meowing angrily. It has been more than 2 hours since Antonio got back and went to the vet with his cat, Romano had been waiting since then, the door having the form of a cat toy, scratched at and- bitten? They both were nervous, but Lovino could distract himself. Romano could not. He was a cat. A cat that needed support and love by another cat. And that cat was now somewhere he couldn't go to, couldnt see or hear the other. And Romanos thoughts began to play with him.
He's not coming back... he left you.. you should've been nicer and more supportive...
Out of frustration, he began to scratch the door, more intense. Until he felt hands around his torso and he was being lifted up into the air, just to be turned around and face his owner.
"Hey, fur bastard. Listen here and listen well[!]. I'm just as worried as you are but stop trashing the house...! Calm down and eat some of your damn food.. I don't know.."
That was... something? Romano could see and feel the nervousness from Lovino aswell. They were just alike. He never thought he'd actually be laying on lovinos side on the sofa while his owner scratched his ear. And never did he think of himself he'd be forking purring. That was new. But both needed comfort and some message or something. And just then...
Lovino looked away from the tv to face first Romano, then unlock his phone to read the massage.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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