Alexa's pov

It had been two days since I woke up in Fred's bed and it was the only thing that had been on my mind.

2 days ago

It was morning and I woke up to the sun beaming in through the windows.

The sun was right in my eyes so I turned over onto my other side, I heard someone lightly snoring beside me and quickly realised that I wasn't in my bed. I opened my eyes to see Fred sleeping beside me. I started to remember that I had fallen asleep in freds bed last night.

Fred wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I was internally freaking out at the fact I was in the same bed as Fred weasley.

I tried to slip out of the bed to go to the bathroom but he groaned and pulled me back.

I managed to slowly remove his arm from me and slip out of bed.

I left the room and went to the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. Then I realised I was not in my clothes.

I was in one of fred's black t shirts and his pyjama bottoms.

I stopped myself from freaking out and took a few deep breaths.



"Alexa, are you even listening!" Ron exclaimed while hitting me on the shoulder. "Hm' what yes i'm listening." "Really? What did I say then" He said while raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm u said something about, umm."

"I said that Harry will be arriving tomorrow! Seriously, you have been zoning out loads for the past two days." "right yeah sorry" I sighed while resting my chin on my hand.

"So guys, what do you want to do today?" Hermione asked

"We could go shopping in Diagon Alley," I suggested. "I don't want to go shopping, that's boring, '' Ron huffed. "Well you don't have to come, me, Hermione and Ginny can go," I replied. "No, I don't want to be left alone with Fred and George. They are always talking about a secret they have and they don't tell me" Ron said while crossing his arms. "Well come shopping with us then" I suggested "fine."


Me Hermione,Ron and Ginny got to Diagon alley and it was packed with people getting some back to school stuff but we decided that we would get our school supplies when Harry arrives.

The first shop we went into was a clothes shop that had just recently opened a few weeks ago. Us three girls were looking through racks of clothes, getting each other's opinions on them and picking them up to try on. "Can we go now? We've been here for four hours," Ron groaned. "Ron, we have been here for ten minutes, not four hours," I sighed. "Same thing so can we go?" Ron asked. "No!" I said.

We continued looking through clothes while Ron constantly asked us if we could leave.

We walked over to the fitting rooms, went into the rooms, pulled the curtain over and started trying things on.

The first thing I tried on was a tight red silk dress that came up to my mid thigh and some red heels. 'I love this dress.' It hugged me in all the right places. 'Oh my god this dress makes my boobs look so good,' I thought while looking at myself in the mirror.

I pulled the curtain back at the same time as Hermione and ginny. Hermione had on the same dress that I had on but in black and Ginny had on a black dress that had a little bit of sparkles on it. "Oh my god Lexi, that dress makes your boobs look so good!" Ginny gasped. " I know right, that's what I was thinking!" I exclaimed. "Ron what do you think?" I asked while turning to look at Ron. "You look fit, y'know if you weren't my best mate i would shag you" he explained. "Cheers, Ron, thanks for that" I said sarcastically while stepping back and pulling the curtain closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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