Part 5

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"You really should go!"Chloe said flicking through the dresses in my wardrobe after I let it slip there was a party tonight that Tom had personally invited me too

"But I don't want to! I thought we were gonna watch Star Wars!"I complained and she shot me a look

"It's been forever since we've had a girls night!"I added

"Hello!"Dylan announced from the corner

"Girls night plus Dylan!"I corrected and she laughed passing me a dress

"Come with me?"I asked and she laughed so I short her a serious glance along with Dylan who looked to Chloe then shot his gaze back to his book staying out of it

"Get your sexy little butt into that dress!"Chloe replied slapping my butt as I walked out the room,
It was a little black dress and it did look good, unlike some girls who hate dressing up and others that love it I simply do not care either way, I just prefer joggers and a hoodie, that being said I looked good in this dress, well good for me

"Bring those duckies to the surface!"Chloe said as I walking into the room which translates to push your tits up

"Perfect!"she said with a smile as Dylan looked up at his smiling girlfriend when someone knocked at the door so I made my way downstairs,
Act aloof

Fuck, He looks breathtaking he's in jeans and a white shirt and wow his arms looks great, his ass too,

"Fuck- you umm you look-"he stuttered and I blushed as I grabbed my shoes and he put his arm over me his gaze flicked over my shoulder

"Do you always have bodyguards with you?"he asked and I blushed from embarrassment to find Dylan with his arm over Chloe

"Nice jeans!"he listened, I commented and this time he blushed and began driving

"I'm glad you came!"he then admitted and I smiled to my lap

"You're welcome!"Chloe leaned forward and Tom laughed awkwardly

"Who's party is this?"She then asked and the next 15 minutes contained Chloe pestering Tom about this and that

Being dragged across the room wasn't the top of my list for tonight however Chloe clearly had other plans as she handed me 3 shots gathering 3 of her own as we did them then walked around pretending like we belonged at parties like this.
After my sight was slightly blurry and my spacial awareness had disintegrated Chloe dragged me to dance which I did and felt an arm fall over my shoulder and Chloe gave it a disgusted look before flicking it off not bothering the guy as she giggled and I couldn't help but smile at my best friend when she pulled me in so our faces were close and I had to blink a couple times to get my vision in order with this close contact,

"Thank you for being my best friend!"she said and I smiled as it was Chloe's drunken love speech

"Thank you for being mine!"I replied and she crushed me in a hug where I couldn't breathe, but Dylan caught my gaze holding up 1 finger then 10- meaning how drunk is she on a scale of 1 to 10 and I held up 7 fingers in response as he sauntered over adjusting his glasses,

"Chloe, babe?"he asked and she smiled spinning around to kiss him

"Hey!"she said and he smiled

"Wanna go outside?"he asked holding onto her to steady her, or him he looked more drunk than I initially thought

"To smoke?"she asked like she was offended and he laughed

"Do you want to?"he drunkenly whispered back

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