Intro (Part 1 - Alexa's Pov)

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Alexa's Pov

Hi! Not a lot of people know me but yeah of course you don't cause you must be new so let me introduce myself. Hi! I'm Alexa Friar the daughter of Riley Matthews and Lucas Friar and my parents were high school sweethearts and they loved each other so much. My grandparents who you might know as Cory and Topanga Matthews and they were also high school sweethearts. 

My mom had and still has a best friend who she loves very much and yeah would say that she's like an aunt to me but she really is my great-aunt. See she married my great-uncle Josh and I love both of them. I really just call them aunt and uncle because it's easier but I really do have an uncle and his name is auggie and he is the best uncle you could ever have. 

I have a best friend too and she's like my great-aunt Maya Hart, she's a bad influence and does bad things and what not and I love her cause I wouldn't be able to live without her. We really are, are parents. 

We both go to John quincy adams middle school in New york. My grandpa is my teacher, yay! I'm kidding I love that he's our teacher because no one would be better. Trinity couldn't do one good thing today and let's just say that she almost burned down the school. Just like her mother she got on top of a desk and yelled "No homework. more freedom! No homework, more freedom" 

She then proceeded to grab a sparkler and hold it up so she could burn the paper but the sprinklers went off and well yeah you can imagine what happened after that

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She then proceeded to grab a sparkler and hold it up so she could burn the paper but the sprinklers went off and well yeah you can imagine what happened after that. She got detention and yeah I was there with her so she wouldn't do anything stupid. Except when the teacher wasn't looking she quickly put a air horn under his chair and well it went off and she got in more trouble when before. Great! I mean I love this side of her though and I wouldn't change a thing!

Author's note: The last thing I said was true, I wouldn't change a thing about her because yeah she does bad things but I love it anyway!

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