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Calamitas POV:

Calamitas had been waiting in the head of Nakanishi Junko to see what she would do. They held back on killing right then and there when she met her senpai, mostly for the opportunity to use Osiris to steal the souls as the bodies died. As lunch came, Calamitas prepared themselves to rush over and plant a bomb on a student. When everyone entered, Calamitas found their prey.

Calamitas: Wait, perhaps I should do something that would pull her to me. Or maybe I should use my Vampiric powers to enhance Killer Queen. Father only ever worked on Time Stop duration and his own body, but I have enough free time and resources I can focus on other things. Maybe if I enhanced the range Killer Queen could move and the power of the explosions I would have a more effective tool to murder without suspicion. I can't study the humans if they figure me out. I... Must... Extend my range!

As Calamitas inched towards their target, they began to drain Nakanishi's energy. Nakanishi felt her muscles grow tired before the rest of her body got slowly drained of Hamon. With barely any energy left in Nakanishi for her to eat, Calamitas had touched their victim's face. They moved back over to Nakanishi and raised their right hand with their thumb up. They waited for Nakanishi to finish eating before...


The student exploded, causing all the students near her to begin bleeding from massive wounds. Before anyone could comprehend what happened, Calamitas killed two more students. Each time they killed someone, they quickly switched to Osiris to collect the souls before they were destroyed.

Nakanishi POV:

While everyone began to panic, Nakanishi tried to figure out what was going on.

Nakanishi: Did those students just explode? Is this how Calamitas was going to kill them? 

Teacher: Everyone please calm down! We need to leave the building in an orderly manner, we don't want you to trample each other!

Nakanishi: I hope everything goes okay after this, right Namba?

Namba: Yeah, it'd be nice if something didn't happen to you again. I don't think I could pull you out of danger again.

A/N: I forgot until this point that people in japan say the last name first.

Nakanishi: That would be pretty unlucky, but probably not as unlucky as the people who blew up. I hope they are at peace.

[Time Skip]

In the end, nobody else died and the police couldn't figure anything out. The camera recordings showed the same thing for each of the three. They would be talking with their friends one moment before blowing up the next. There would be no trace of anything, almost as if every cell in their bodies were turned into a bomb.

Nakanishi, however, was having a good day. Besides the trauma of seeing three people randomly die, this was a really fun day for her. She got to meet and befriend her savior Namba  Katsumi, before getting his number.

Calamitas: I must say, I had fun.

Nakanishi: Fun? People were exploding and you call that fun?

Calamitas: Yes, it was fun. There is one thing I am worried about, however.  I haven't gotten the chance to write in my book for a while.

Nakanishi: But it's only been a day.

Calamitas: Do you have any idea how much information I have stored in my head that I don't want to be lost forever? I have information on fighting styles and supernatural beings that goes back thousands of years. How much damage would that cause to the scientific world? How hard would it be for future generations to understand this when most artifacts are destroyed? I cannot let this information be forever lost! It must be hidden at the very worst!

The Harbinger of Chaos: CalamitasWhere stories live. Discover now