copper ridge

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(Did I unpublished this and is now publishing it again even though it is not halloween? Yes I did.)

Hi and welcome to me writing yet another story. This will be a halloween one shot/short story. I couldn't get this idea out of my head and I needed to write it (the reason I'm posting this early is so that I actually follow through with this lol). It's basically your generic horror story line but with some personal twists (all I'm saying is Edgar Allan Poe) I'm really excited for it and I hope you are to! As with all of my stories,  I write them for myself and only share them because it could be fun, so be nice to me, I'm sensitive. 

Now to the important parts

There will be no face claims for the story (well except for the man himself) so feel free to imagine whoever you like as the characters. I would like to make it very clear that this story has no connections to the real Harry we know, I am simply using his name and face. Have in mind that this is supposed to be a horror story (let's see how well that goes for me) so there will be adult themes, and remember it's all fiction! This story contains (but is not limited to): violence, blood, gore, yeah basically a little bit of everything. 

We will also very briefly touch on the topic of suicide, it's not much or descriptive, but it will be implied so I'll add it to the list just so that you are aware. 

I would also like to say that this Harry is fucked up, like really. He is not to be romanticized or swooned over. After the story is posted I will make a further note about this and also explain his character a bit more and what inspired this (I would do it now but spoilers you know). 

Anyway, see you soon... 

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