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You have always been a pirate, nothing could change that, but Hook aka your father never let you do much, to him you were nothing more that a Y/A(Your Age) year old girl. But nevertheless, you caused the most trouble on the island. It was your job, and sure as hell it was fun. Killian moved onto the shore, he turned around to look at you "ill be back in 3 days, don't leave the ship"

You were so used to hearing those lines, you nodded and gave him a quick hug, but he then walked into the forest, you turned around and walked back onto the ship. Once on you yelled "Cast off." The men got straight to work moving the boat away from the shore.

Once the boat was about 5 feet off, you looked at the crew, they were still rushing to get the boat sailable, you stood on the edge, and you pushed your feet off, landing on the shore. Only a few men in the crew noticed, you looked back at them smirking, and winking when you did. You started to run into the forest, thick forests surrounded you, nothing but trees, and dirt.

A smile came to your face, oh the sweet torture you get to do with Peter, you ran to the cave where you had been keeping all your stuff. There was rope, clothes, books, weapons, string, spray paint, smoke bombs, even air horns. You grabbed 2 of the ropes, and walked back into the forest.

The lost boy territory was right around here, you looked around until you saw the light of the dying fire. The lost boy's always had a fire lit, they loved to dance around it like little kids in a rain storm, joy on their mouths, and triumph in the air.

You almost giggled as you saw them swirling with each other, laughing as they did, playing instruments, it was a sight for sore eyes. You used the 2 ropes to set a spring trap, once someone stepped in the rope it would wrap around their ankle and dangle them from the tree.

Once you set the trap, you climbed up a tree, and grabbed a stick, holding onto both ends as you watch the boys. You put yourself in a position where you couldn't be seen, you then broke the stick. And the laughter died like a slowing breathe, slight whispered gathered in the air 'What was that?' 'who was that' 'pan?'

You knew Pan's voice anywhere, it could be low when he wanted it to be, but at the same it was never missing that raspy high, he called out "Now you wanna play cause Daddy's gone?"

Pan waited for you to reply, but you didn't, "Fine, lets play, come on boys!" You could hear the snickering of the boys, the looks on their faces burned in your direction, you looked towards the trap. The boys started to move throughout the forest, thrashing at everything in their way, it was a horrid sight, until you heard a snap, you whipped your heads towards the trap.

One of the boys hang upside down, while the others ran to his aid, you started to climb down, until you heard his voice "come on out Y/N, you cant run this time."

You cupped your hands to your face, and shouted "watch me." You jumped down from the tree, causing a tree snap. "Shittt." But nevertheless you started to run to where you knew it was safe, but then again, your never safe near Peter Pan. A shadow was then flying over you, you looked up and saw Pan, he looked down at you with a smirk on his face, and quirked one of his eyebrows.

Although he was over you, you kept the pace, until you made it back to your small cave, and grabbed a knife, pulling it out and standing there normally, waiting for Pan. He landed right in front of you, a knife in his hand as well.

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