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(silhouette magia frame-gundam ira neo unit 01) SMF-GIN01: albion utopia

(silhouette magia frame-gundam ira neo unit 01) SMF-GIN01: albion utopia

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technology and armament

ANLO system: the astray neural link operating system or ANLO system is the unit's heart and soul: it is an amalgamation of several neural systems and operating systems into one nice neat package, it utilizes two pilots one of which must be an ESPER for the machine to properly function at full capacity, the ANLO system can make it's pilots into ESPERs (essentially newtypes but slightly different) in emergency scenarios if need be

the ANLO system also has has a maximization limiter placed upon it which can be released to allow the unit to enter utopia mode in this state its speed and power are enhanced however it also weakens a pilots consciousness and allows the dragon to take over and possess it's pilots if both aren't completely synchronized as one or if there is only one pilot using the machine

OSIRIS: the osiris is the machines consciousness once created it chooses a pilot and it binds itself to that pilot, osiris is also linked with the flagship, OSIRIS also functions as an AI to the machine as well, although it isn't necessarily artificial

The rear of the cockpit is the usual chair with controls around it at the center of the cockpit in front of the pilot is more front facing on a motorbike style platform with foot pegs and levers at the feet as well as the usual hand controls the user is generally almost laying down on the platform, there are panels on either side of the head that show a rainbow color around them they are called the "bonders" and are derived from the coupling systems approach ring, they aid in the synchronization between the two pilots

Both pilots would wear interface headsets to better link with the machine and each other


neo V.A.R.I.S.: this weapon takes the form of the C7-anti-material-VARIS, however functions completely differently, the weapon is stored in it's closed form on the machine's hips when not in use

It has two forms normal mode where it functions like your average beam rifle

And burst mode, where in it has three settings

hadron mode: which is nearly identical to the super VARIS's hadron mode

magnum mode: the weapon's magnum mode is equivalent to the beam magnum from the RX-0 series and can hold a max five rounds similarly to the beam magnum unlike the beam magnum the weapon uses the shells similarly to that of a shot gun, once fired a shell is ejected from the outer-side of the weapon the weapon can be loaded with more magnum shells to fire more rounds of the magnum mode unlike the beam magnum the neo-VARIS can be used by other weaker units as their are inertia dampeners on the weapon to mitigate most of the recoil

buster mode: the buster mode of the neo-V.A.R.I.S. is equivalent to that of a buster rifle in terms of power, unlike the magnum mode, the buster mode has a MAX of three shots the only means of getting more is to recharge the weapon which takes time, and the weapon would need to be recharged on a ship or base, however the two neo-V.A.R.I.S.s can combine into what is called full impact mode in this form the power becomes that of the twin buster rifle

"clarent" anti ship sword X2: the clarent is basically a black version of the excalibur anti-ship swords but the beams are in green instead of pink, these are stored on sub arms on the units back right next to the energy wings of the unit, the swords can combine into a greatsword of sorts for ridiculously large targets when needed

beam katana X2: these are stored in the knees of the unit, and are similar to a beam saber except the blade is curved and colored green

energy wings: the unit is equipped withe energy wings derived from the guren seiten and lancelot albion the wings themselves are an emerald green

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