Remembering You

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A/N: Smutt warning x 4? Enjoy!!

"I want you." Carina whispered to Maya. The former Olympian moved her lips from her wife's neck and brought them down to her exposed chest, taking a harden nipple between her lips.

"Ooh yess." Carina moans out, arching her back as Maya's talented lips and tongue did wonders across her chest.

Maya moved down Carina's body, leaving wet kisses between her breast, on her stomach, and on her mound before spreading her second pair of lips and kissing her swollen clit.

Carina's hips jerked at the contact, immediately bringing her hands to hold Maya's head in place.

The blonde wasted no time as she started to lick and suck Carina in the best way she knew how.

Loud moans travelled throughout their apartment, proving that Maya was succeeding at her wifely duties.

" I want more, Bambina." Carina managed to say through broken moans.

Maya brought her hand down to Carina's dripping core and ran three fingers through her folds, getting them ready for what's to come.

"You're so wet Dr. DeLuca." Maya Looked up at her wife and bit her lip. "Is this all for me?"

Before Carina could respond, Maya pushed her lubricated fingers inside her wife, hard.

"Oh fuck yes! Don't stop, Bambina!" Carina moaned out loudly as her wife pumped three slender fingers inside of her. The combination of Maya's tongue along with her finger quickly pushed the Italian over the edge. "I'm cuming! Ohh I- I'm cu-" white heat spread throughout her body; a welcome feeling that she missed so much.


"What's on your mind, Bambina?" Carina asked, stroking Maya's cheek, her wife lost in her own thoughts. They were wrapped up in bed, naked and enjoying the warmth and comfort that they rarely had a chance to enjoy anymore.


"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, I'm trying to think of a way we could get to spend at least 3 days together, uninterrupted." Maya replied, snaking her arms around the Italian's waist. "..or even two days. I feel Like I barely see you. I miss you Car. You're right here and I miss you."

Carina released a deep sigh before cuddling closer to her wife.

The hospital had been short staffed in all departments, including the OB department for almost two months. As a result Dr. Carina DeLuca, the head of the OB, had to constantly be present at work to either supervise, or be hands on herself.

Her busy schedule meant that her beautiful blue eyed wife was home, too often, by herself while she was stuck at the hospital, catering to expecting mothers and bringing babies into the world.

Yes, Maya spent a lot of time at the station, so she appreciated, more than anything, when she could come home to the woman she loved the most in this world.  Her wife.

Unfortunately, Carina's crazy schedule now meant that the former Olympian had to come home to an empty apartment which only put her in the worst mood. She found peace in Carina's presence and an unavailable Carina DeLuca meant a very moody and sad Maya Bishop.

"I'm so sorry I've been so busy, amore mio. I d-"

"Hey hey.. don't do that, baby." Maya reached up and tucked strands of hair behind Carina's ears before cupping her cheek. "You don't need to apologize for doing your job. And you being busy is not your fault. I'm allowed to be sad because I don't see you enough but please don't feel like it's your fault. I know it's not.. okay?"

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