TWO. the princess and the prawns

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AFTER HER awkward encounter with the handyman; she made her way back into town and found out one too many things at one time

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AFTER HER awkward encounter with the handyman; she made her way back into town and found out one too many things at one time.

First off, no prawn (prom) for the "monsters" so prawn for Danielle had been ripped away from her, but she had no plans on going in the first place.

That didn't matter. What mattered was this school election going on. It was Bucky's year to win president of the student body.

That was until Zed rolled into the picture saying he was also running. He also declared that things would change even more at Seabrook.

And he wasn't wrong because soon enough the werewolves that everyone had been raving (and screaming) about prowled into the building in search of the white haired girl aka... Addison. Not much of a shock to the ghost girl.

But they wanted to join the school with peace. At least, that's what they said.

And they were hesitantly welcomed with open arms.

Meanwhile, Zed had began passing flyers out for his campaign.

He paused when he caught Danielle at her locker.

She'd been pretty M.I.A. with him and they hadn't really spoken seeing the cheer competition. He missed her presence.

He approached her locker and held a flyer out for her.

"Vote Zed for Prez." He smiled.

Danielle shared the small smile and grabbed the flyer, "Between you and Bucky... I know you're the better choice."

"So..." He sighed, "I haven't seen you recently. Unless you've been by my side as a ghost." He joked, nudging her shoulder.

"Ah. Funny." She smiled, "I just, um, everyone's just coupled up right now so I've been keeping to myself really."

"Ghost girl."

As Danielle turned and Zed looked up, they saw one of the wolves coming close. Danielle recognized him from woods. He was less hairy than before.

"Thought werewolves weren't real." Danielle smiled.

"You know him?" Zed asked.

"He helped me out in the woods a couple days ago." She answered, both boys standing in front of her, "Expect he wasn't much of a werewolf when I met him." She laughed.

Zed glanced over at the wolf boy and back at Danielle. Though this friendship was unexpected he didn't think too much of it.

But truly that didn't seem to be the case. Danielle said she'd been keeping to herself, but this wolf guy comes out of nowhere and now they're buddies. It was odd.

"Yeah, getting use to pulling girls out of the ground."

"I doubt you have to do that ever again."

As she turned to close her locker, she took notice that she couldn't fully turn. She glanced down, her ankles deep in the ground.

She awkwardly chuckled and looked up at the two boys who's hands and been outreached of her to grab.

She sighed, a new color of pink gas leaving her mouth. She (as always) slapped her hand over her mouth and the newfound color.

Danielle pushed the thought away and decided to grab both of their hands and they lifted her up with ease.

"Thanks." She smiled. She shut her locker quickly not even waving goodbye to the boys as she booked it down the hall.

The whole thing was confusing to Danielle and she had no clue what it meant for her, but she knew someone who did know the answers and she felt like this was a good enough excuse to skip out on biology for it.

The whole thing was confusing to Danielle and she had no clue what it meant for her, but she knew someone who did know the answers and she felt like this was a good enough excuse to skip out on biology for it

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

okay don't yell at me now i won't make the switch 🧍 zed lovers for lyfe but jealous zed is my bff 🤭

anyways bucky is so funny 🤭 the way he moves makes me laugh

also they ate bamm and we own the night UP

and milo exceptional zed 🤭 eat it up but like milo only 🧍

and milo exceptional zed 🤭 eat it up but like milo only 🧍

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bye :))))

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