FIVE. parting ways

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DANIELLE WOULD never tell her father about the kiss she shared with Wyatt that night

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DANIELLE WOULD never tell her father about the kiss she shared with Wyatt that night. She almost didn't want to talk about it.

But she had a best friend who could read her like a book.

"Shut up!" Vanessa said, shutting Danielle's locker, "Why did you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"You have the glow! The kissing glow."

"Kissing glow?"

"Who'd you kiss? Tell me. I'm your literal best friend. I should've known about this kiss before it even happened."

"Okay, dad." Danielle chuckled, shutting her locker, "It's not a big deal. I'm going through something and I kissed someone. Turns out it was weird and I sunk into the ground."

Vanessa furrowed her brows, "Sunk into the ground? Sounds like cloud nine to me."

"Glad you think so." Danielle smiled, "It's nothing. It's whatever. It-"

"It was Zed!"

"It was not."

Vanessa grabbed Danielle's with one hand coving her mouth, "No way!" She cheered, "Wyatt?"

"Like I said, not a big deal." She chuckled, "We kissed, it was weird, we're friends. That's it."

"Boo. That's sucks." Vanessa said, "That would've thrown Zed for a loop."

"It's not about making anyone go for a loop. It's about figuring out what I'm gonna do and if I'm going to stay single for the next couple of years of my life."

"I don't think that's possible, Dani."

The two of them shared a laugh and though their laughter brought joy to their ears, it was quickly shot when Zed wanted to speak to Danielle alone.

"I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you."

Danielle blinked slowly and held a small smile, "Thanks? I think."

"I just, um, I've been on your case lately and this election things killing me, but I realized to late that I can't fix this."

"Fix what?"

Zed sighed, "I just hope you're happy."

"I mean, I guess. What are you talking about?"

"You and Wyatt."

Danielle laughed and smile wide on her face, "What about Wyatt and I? There is no Wyatt and I. At least, not in the way I think you're thinking about it."

"I saw you two kissing the other night."

Danielle's smile slowly faded as she took in Zed's words.

"Why we're you outside my house?"

"I- I was coming to ask for help and I saw you two and decided that I would leave."

"Why'd you leave?"

She was genuinely curious and what why he was there in the first place, but what made him leave stuck out to her most.

Zed couldn't answer the question fast enough to the distaste of Danielle. Eliza had dragged him away in order to prepare for the last minute notes she had cooked up for the campaign.

As he walked past Danielle, a small slither of pink gas escaped her lips.

She rolled her eyes. This isn't what she wanted, but deep down maybe it is.

There was no way that she was going to kiss a guy that had been head over heels for Addison since he stepped foot into their high school.

And with that dance coming up, it was bound to be full of romance between Zed and Addison.

At least, that's what she thought.

At least, that's what she thought

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

tbh addison is dumb

trying to speed run this book because why not

milo should've won his season of dancing with the stars

im actively watching each zombies movie as i type this story 🧍

i wasn't gonna post this today but yolo

i wasn't gonna post this today but yolo

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bye :))))

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