Chapter 16

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We sat down and watched the view of the city. The set up is so amazing *swipe to see*. I couldn't picture this day any better. Never thought I would meet someone that would treat me like this.

Jack: so how do you like today's date?
Y/N: love it Jack couldn't ask for a better day
Jack: Im glad you love it but you still need your other surprise
Y/N: another one?
Jack: yeah but that's until later
Y/N: Im scared to know what it is
Jack: don't be I know for a fact you'll love this surprise

1 hours later.

It's already midnight. All we've been doing was talking, eating and watching the beautiful view of LA. For some reason he looked nervous.

Y/N: Jack are you okay? You seem nervous
Jack: Im fine
Y/N: are you sure?
Jack: Im just nervous for your surprise
Y/N: Im sure what ever it is. It's gonna be amazing so when is my surprise that's getting you nervous happening
Ja: it's actually coming right now
*white curtains open and the boys, the girls, Matthew and Jack's family came out*
Y/N: you're surprise is our friends and your family?
Jack: no the boys and i made a song for you
*you and Jack stand up and you stand by Syd and Genesis*
Zach: he's worked on this song every day
Daniel: for months
Sydnie: we heard it and it's amazing
Isla: you're gonna love it
Y/N: i already do without even listening to it
Jack: alright, here we go
*they start playing In Too Deep*

I was crying the whole time. I can't believe Jack wrote a song for me. As the song was coming to an end, Jack got closer to me and went down on his knee while holding my hand. Sydney took the microphone from him. I started to cry more.

Y/N: omg!
Jack: Y/N García. ever since i ended up at your front porch, you never left my side. We've been through a lot together. I always wonder who I would get to spend my whole life and I know that if I have to grow old with someone it would have to be with you. So I'm here on my knees asking you this question. Will you marry me?
Y/N: Jack, i would love to marry you.
*he gets up and spins you around while everyone cheers*
Jack: she said yesss!
Kristin: welcome to the family
Ava: it's good to have another sister in the family
*you all did a group hug*

A few months later.

I've been making music with Jack and the boys. I haven't been releasing any music yet but I will soon. Right now, we're at the girls house. The boys are in the studio and I'm by the pool with the girls. We've been catching up. After a while, I've been getting pain in the lower back.

Genesis: are you okay?
Elena: you look like you're in pain
Y/N: iam
Lexi: do you want to lie down?
Y/N: i think I should
*you get up and felt water on your leg*
Genesis: omg! Y/N i think your-
Olivia: water broke
Madi: it's time we got to go to the hospital
Viviana: you're baby is coming now
Y/N: someone go get Jack
Lexi: I'll go get him

Jack's POV:
The boys and I are at studio that Y/N made. We've been here for almost all day. We took a short break and we talked for a while until Lexi barged in the room.

Lexi: Y/N's water broke
Jack: her water broke?
Lexi: yes we have to go to the hospital NOW!

We dropped everything and got in the car. Jonah was driving my car while I sat in the back with Y/N and holding her hand. We got to the hospital and checked her in but she still wasn't ready to deliver yet.

A few hours later.

Y/N has been in pain these few hours. The doctors come and go to check her dilations. After a while, the doctor comes in.

Doc: let's hope this is it
*doctor checks how dilated you are*
Doc: get the delivery room ready it's time
Y/N: finally
Doc: only the father has to come the rest can stay in here

We left to go to the delivery room. I can't believe my baby is gonna be here soon. We still don't know the gender of the baby. We wanted to be surprised.

A few hours later.

Doc: alright one more push and your baby is here
Y/N: okay
Doc: 1.2...3 push
*you pushed and heard a crying baby. You started to cry*
Doc: here's your baby boy
*doctor places your baby on your chest*
Jack: it's a boy
Y/N: our baby boy
Doc: Jack do you want to cut the cord?
Jack: yeah of course
*Jack cuts the cord*
Doc: the nurses is gonna take him and clean him up and do a check up and your baby will be with y'all in a few
Jack: thank you
Doc: no problem. We're gonna take you back to your room so you can relax

We went back to the room and our way back
Y/N fell asleep. When we entered, everyone got up and started to quietly scream at me asking for the gender.

Jack: guys Y/N is sleeping
Matthew: baby niece or nephew?
Jack: nephew
*everyone cheered*
Zach: we got a mini Jack
Corbyn: congrats bro
Jonah: you're officially a father
Olivia: she always wanted her first child to be a boy
Madi: whats his name?
Jack: you just got to wait until Y/N wakes up and he comes in the room

1 hour later.

The boys left a while to go to a meeting and the girls barely left to go get food. It's just Matthew, Franny and I in the room with Y/N. In a matter of seconds, my family came in.

Kristin: sorry we missed the birth of my grand-
Jack: son
Ava: a baby boy?
Isla: are you serious?
Sydnie: congrats brother
Jack: thank you
Kristin: where is he?
Jack: they're doing a check up

A couple minutes later.

Y/N barely woke up and they brought in our baby boy in the room. Everyone takes their turn to carry him. When it got to Matthew to hold him, he asked us for his name.

Matthew: what's the name?

Matthew: what's the name?

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