
809 41 24

TW *attemt sexual assault*


Sure enough, Hyunjin picked Hongjoong up by 10.

He sat in the passenger seat, listening to the quiet playing of music over the speakers of the car.

He watched Hyunjin closely.

He really was a gorgeous human. Everything about him was absolutely perfect.

Hongjoong wondered how no had fallen for the blonde boy yet.

Granted, Hongjoong himself hadn't either.

They arrived to the bar quickly.

Getting out of the car and immediately going inside, to ordering drinks.

Drink, after drink.

For Hyunjin that is.

Hongjoong couldn't help but feel;


He chose to go with his gut, sipping a simple whine over the hour. Listening to other's druken conversations.

Occasionally laughing at the words, and conversations being slurred.

After three, maybe four hours, Hyunjin was wasted. Nothing coming out of his mouth making much sense.

And Hongjoong was tired. He felt odd. Something still felt incredibly off to him.

There remained there, emptiness in his body, that he sadly chose not to fill with alcohol. Though, he started to wish he did.

Maybe it would've distracted him from the annoying feeling he kept getting.

He was sober.

So, he'd decided to walk himself home. Letting Hyunjin know where he was going before quickly getting out of the crowded bar.

A hint of guilt settled in his stomach for leaving Hyunjin. Than again, they weren't friends. He decided to push the guilt out of the way and began walking.

His pace quickened.

And quickened.

He felt like he was going insane.

He felt tears form in his eyes. But he didn't understand why.

Why was he running?
Why did he feel so scared?

Nothing was even happening. It was a road he's walked alone often. He's been here. He knew where he was. And he knew where he was going.

Why were his emotions fighting against him?

He forced his pace to slow. He dried his eyes with his sleeves. Silently laughing at how silly he thought he was being.

"Walking all alone, babe?"

Hongjoong stopped dead in his tracks. The voice came from an alleyway to his right. He turned. Seeing a tall man leaned against a building.

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