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"As always, you have outdone yourself, Lady Hancock." 

As I stared out across the table my mouth watered at the sight of so many different, exotic treats and platters. I wanted to try each and every one of them, but alas, there was not enough time in the world, nor would my stomach have rewarded me. 

"What, this? Your Grace, this is nothing. I simply asked my cooks to scrap a little something together." Hancock waved me off with a limp wrist, pretending to be humble. She was an outstandingly beautiful woman, likely the most beautiful in the realm, but she was as vain as she was stunning. 

Sure you did. We don't even eat this lavishly in the castle... 

Raising her teacup to her lips, the ravonette glanced behind me for a moment, perfectly plucked brow raising curiously. 
"You certainly chose a brutish thing. Word around Marineford is that he has no formal training, and nobody had ever seen him before the tournament." 

I had expected her to speak of my new guard, and I glanced over my shoulder to inspect him for a moment. He stood at the entrance to the pavilion, silent and still, just as he was supposed to. 
"Well, so far he is doing a good job. If it is true that he has no formal training then I am even more impressed than before." 

Hancock hummed, seeming to only be half listening before she raised her hand. 
"You there, blondie! Come over here for a moment." She beckoned to the Massacre Solider, and after a moment of quiet he approached us, bowing slightly once he had stopped by the side of our table. 
"Yes, M'lady?" 

I kept my eyes on my companion as she studied him, her eyes critical and unforgiving. 
"You work with royalty now, boy. It's My Lady. Anywho, tell me, what did you do before venturing to our city? I'm dying to know." As much as I didn't want Hancock to interrogate my guard, when he looked to me for the go ahead I nodded. I preferred not to deal with one of her famous tantrums. 

"Mercenary work, My Lady." He answered gruffly, shifting from one foot to the other. I felt bad for him, but there was no harm done unless Hancock stepped over a line. Another sip from her cup as she nodded, the woman didn't take her eyes off of him. 

"So...murderer for hire, then? Not exactly the credentials needed of a royal guard." Crossing one leg over the other, Hancock seemed to be enjoying herself at my protector's expense. "I have no doubt that you've pillaged, too. I'm right, aren't I? How many villages? How many wome-" 

"Lady Hancock, that's enough." I spoke up as soon as I realised where she had been going with what she had been saying, my expression stern before it softened when I turned. "Ser, I apologise for her harsh tongue. You may return to your post." 

The blond bowed his head, returning to his earlier position with a little more speed than he had approached us with, and Hancock rolled her eyes. 
"Oh, you're no fun, Your Grace. I was just curious. He's a big boy, he should be able to handle that much. Not suited to serving you if he can't." 

We may be friends, but you can be a right bitch... 

"I am sure he can, but that does not mean that he has to be subjected to it." I replied, rising to my feet and wiping the residue of tea from my lips. "I do apologise, but I have another obligation that must be seen to. Thank you for the tea, Lady Hancock. Until next time."

It was obvious that the beautiful woman took slight offence to me cutting our time short, but she said nothing to argue, standing to offer me a curtsey. 
"Until next time, Your Grace. May your beauty grow with each coming day." I took one last look at the delicious spread of food, wishing I had indulged before taking my leave. 

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